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DayZ Mortal Kombat Edition?

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Playing lastnight I had an....entertaining encounter.

Just felt like sharing and wondering if anyone else ran into this dude.

So the server I was on reset and there were a bunch of us fresh spawns roaming around. I started heading down the road looking for loot and I come across a building next to the road and a guy just standing there.

I'm thinking he's afk and I'm about to go on my way when starts sprinting at me and that's when I start getting wierded out and get ready for a fight. he stops about 10 ft from me and I hear the mortal kombat theme start playing and he raises his fists.

I'm cracking up at this point and start backing away as he's comin at me like a wildman. he's in it to the death so I just decide to fight back. we go at it for a minute and I knock him out. I'm thinking of just finishing the job mortal kombat style but I gave him a break since he was so entertaining and I just move on.

So if you're readin this mortal kombat man, that was hilarious! youryou're awesome !

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I ran into a guy playing Guile from Street Fighter's music and just running around Elektro trying to punch everyone he could. It was entertaining for sure since I was a newspawn at that point and had nothing to really lose anyway.

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i think i seen in someones youtube video they had a group of guys running around looking to fight while playing mortal kombat, no idea who it was though

I think such random encounters is a great part of dayz, means not everyone takes the game too serious, and some people would actually turn crazy if a zombie apocalypse broke out

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Last night as I strolled into Elektro as a freshie, I heard a guy do the typical western movie whistle thing when there is gonna be a throwdown.  I never saw him, but I did see two bodies lying in the street beside the building I was in.




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Thats from Good Bad and Ugly dont forget to check youtube for ukulele cover its awesome :-)

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