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7-75 callaghan

Item additions to allow for better creative gameplay variety and learning curve.

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Thoughts/feedback would be appreciated, i'd like to add/change this list over time if people like some of the ideas. Most are pretty subtle to stay in line with the inherent subtlety of the current gameplay, to add more fun, variety and opportunities for creativity + emergent gameplay.

Add an energy/chocolate bar. That fills perhaps 25-50% of what a can of food does. This would be good to add to the starting equipment instead of canned food as it isn't quite the same starting boost, and reduces the benefit of killing a new player for their loot. This could occupy a 'tool' slot for size and game-balancing reasons.

Add trip-flares, like the ACE ones, to allow for non-lethal camp and sniper-position defence during night play.

A firework item - attracts zombies as the road flare, but can be fired from the player into the distance (maybe max 200m before exploding) like a bottle rocket. This would also be a fun PvP distraction.

Perhaps add nerve-calming drugs (like diazepam in MGS), that reduces weapon shaking, as well as when injured/in pain, without adding other benefits. This should last for 10-30 mins.

Allow for more of the soviet-era weapons already included in the game, the ones with basic optics ofc. Seems pointless to disallow many of the weapons that are not included. Anything from the Bizon to the KSVK, seems to fit the lore better than the M107 etc due to geographic location. This would mostly serve flavour, variety, and verisimilitude.

Some kind of high-vis ground marker, for players without map/compass that want to retrace routes, for PvP 'traps' and marking RPs etc.

A noise-reducing item. Some SF and guerilla forces have on occasion placed thick socks on the outside of their boots to reduce their audio signature in stealth situations. This of course is provided by soft rubber soles as used by German counter-terrorist police etc. but such tech is too advanced for the P.A. scenario. This could be an alternative uniform, that does not offer camouflage but instead noise reduction. Less useful against players, but good against zombies.

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Split this into multiple threads next time with a descriptive title.

I can't be bothered posting in every one of these huge walls of text that contain about 20 mini suggestions and re-suggestions.

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Use the search button also. The splint idea is in about 6 different threads, if not more.

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Thanks for the feedback, I have split some of the suggestions for readability, even though at least one item was attached to the suggested mechanic.

Scent mechanic moved to new thread.

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lol zombies smell if you havnt washed your balls or not :D

tbh, i dont like this idea, but if they could smell when your bleading and attract them, that would be kinda scary :P

+1 tho

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