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XLightCoreX Epoch Chernarus [] Guaranteed Weapon on Spawn + Custom Loot Tables + Active Admins + Starting Loadout

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[XLCX] DayZ Epoch Chernarus|TS: XlightcoreX.no-ip.org

DayZ Epoch Chernarus PVP: IP


Hosted by XLightCoreX 


Our Server Offers



Custom Loadouts

Custom Scripts

Extra Buildings (e.g. Barracks at airfield)

Custom Loot Tables

Custom Scripts

Private Hive

Non Abusive Active Admins

Self Blood Bag

Teamspeak 3 Channels for your Group

Donator Perks

Heaps of Vehicles

Trader Safe Zones

Added Loot Spawns

Servers hosted by OVH

And More Custom Scripts To Come 



The XLightCoreX Gaming Community is a mature gaming community and it has only started. We can offer a wide range of experiences on our DayZ server. We encourage PvP, teams, individuals. We are still modding/customizing the server, so if you ever have any suggestions for the server or want to check us out just go to our website http://www.xlightcorex.net/ . If you are interested in our community join us on our TS3: xlightcorex.no-ip.org (We also offer Minecraft, Arma lll Altis Life, BF4)

Edited by XLightCoreX

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Added a Debug monitor, Helicopter can now lift cars, AI Patrols on foot, AI Helicopter patrols, Bandits are safe from AI unless they fire upon them, but Heros and Survivors will be KOS. Can now strip people of clothes when they are dead.

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