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getting a lot of lag

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hi guys 


i seem to be getting alot of lag recently even with everything thing at the lowest settings i seem to be getting 18 and below and sometimes 30 or more what could this be 


thanks in advance

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Your setup is good enough, Better than mine and I got around 30 fps in towns.

Try to disable all of the rendering options. Those are massive fps eater in dayz sa,

Some places are more laggy than others, you cant really help it.

Try two biggest cities at south, That big city on N/E is terrible laggy,

You can also turn off that Steam-in-game thing - it has been causing problems for people.

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I have been checking my cpu/gpu load and seems like that even though cpu/gpu load is just over 60% I still lag.

Disabling things from options helps out, remember thou that lowering "object" at video settings makes buildings look like shit.


Bad optimization, will be fixed later.

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