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Internet completely crashes

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I've been trying to play some DayZ in the past few days but for some strange reason my internet completely crashes ONLY When i launch the game. It literally shuts down the internet as soon as i join a server and it is not just for me, it is everyone in the house. stays down for a good 5 minutes. Ive already done basic network trouble shooting, nothing works. This hasnt happened before but it just started on friday. I dont understand what is going on and i have also reinstalled the game and verified the integrity of the game. Nothing seems to be working. Someone please help

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If it happens to everyone in your house, I'm assuming that means there is more than one device in your house that cannot get in the internet. With that said, the problem sounds like a central point of failure issue. Could be a failing router or bad cable. Devices don't last forever and DayZ will stressed your connection when you load in. So something outside of your computer (most likely) is overheating or failing. Whatever that is, everything else connecting to the internet relies on it.

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Its a brand new modem, as i said before its only when i launch dayz just last week it was working, i just cant play it now but it could be my nic 

Edited by newdeathx

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ip conflict. Talk to your ISP and tell him to put an unique IP address for you PC.

PLUS google DNS.

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