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Terribly flawed game right now.

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I don't know what the exact reasons. Bleeding to death from one simple zombie hit with no bandage (even thought you have a fucking jacket and you could just use it to stop the bleeding), No single seen in more then 6 hours (even in three different server millitary base). Not a single drink seen (after a bunch of house), almost every house in a town are locked, bone breaking from ridiculously low height, like when will you break yourself a leg to the point where you can't walk from 2 meters (even then jumping on one leg doesn't seem to exsist, it's not like your femur would explode in tiny piece and your leg wouldn't be possible to repair) or maybe it's because the zombie have a stupidly over the top intelligence that let them climb ladders, swim, run too fucking fast for their dead muscles without high blood circulation and OPEN DOOR.the first time I saw a zombie open on a door, I couldn't believe that the most realistic zombie survival game (that what I heard) would have dead people able to put their hand around a door knob, apply pressure on the knob, turn it left and pull it. Some oldfag might come up and say well...deal with it. Fine, but I'm still going to give you my feedback from my first 3 days impression. If you would spawn with a weapon, at least a crowbar or a baseball bat, the game would make it easier to learn. Most people here played the game with the makarov at spawn and now they think that it's much more fun to play hardcore no weap spawn. Fine I understand why. You already know everything and where the best item spawn with control mastery so it's no problem for you to find a weap with a bit of patience, and if newfag can have gun and kill you, you will get mad. Yes having no weap at the beginning prevent from killing other player. But it only give more power to old player. Because you're an old player, no newbie can kill you. not because they don't know how to aim, but because they can't find anything. And I see a bunch of people murdering other people.

I have no idea what are the future plan for balancing this game. Maybe make a hardcore mode and a softcore mode so new player can learn, but FFS fix the fall dmg, the zombie speed, the zombie sight, the zombie intelligence (they are just zombie), fix the bleeding, augment the possibility of survival (Like ripping your shirt to sacrifice heat for a bandage, or being able to see in the dark with darkness adaptation. Make this game so friend can spawn together in order to enjoy this game more. Fix the vehicle so they don'T explode from touching a tree at 10 km/h.

it's a great game, but ffs add something so player can learn progressivly so it doesn't feel like you are being punch in the face for your first 500000 character.

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Imagine you have a friend who is a great artist. He knows you're interested in art, so he graciously invites you to come over and watch him paint a picture and even provide your feedback.

You show up at the appointed time and your artist friend takes his place on a stool near a blank canvas. He's relaxing. Maybe takes a sip of water and stretches his fingers a bit. He asks if you're ready. You slap the water out of his hand and punch him in the mouth and say "Your art sucks. I'm out of here asshole."

Seem odd? Because that's pretty much what you just did.


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Please stop playing the game OP, we have plenty of moaners as is and judging by your first post being a giant wall of tears, you could be their queen.

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If it makes you feel any better it takes me ages to find weapons, bandages etc when I spawn a new character, and I've been playing for 7 weeks. Most of my new guys only last an hour or so and usually die some miserable death without achieving anything. It's just the way it goes, and each time it happens you learn something new. When you get that one who lasts longer, finds a weapon and food etc, I promise you you'll feel awesome - like Woody Harrelson in Zombieland or something ;)

Also, they're not "just zombies" they're infected like in 28 Days Later. And they took over the world so they're obviously going to be tougher than an unarmed person. Count your blessings that they can't infect us too ;)

I like the idea of using clothing as bandages with a heat loss modifier, BTW.

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I'm still trying to figure out why someone would turn a doorknob to the left and not the right

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