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This is the third fucking time i have been kicked from the game in the middle of the woods to log back in to a reset charactor. Too many times have I died to bugs in this game. Do not bull the "its an alpha" bullshit because although it is it should have basic functionality sorted before it was every released. 3 times I have lost fully geared charactors to random charactor reset with 8+ hours of life/looting on them. This is honestly getting REAAAAAALLLLLLY old right quick and I am growing tired of this game and it isnt even fully released. I love this game and I think it has great potential but sriously guys... fix basic bugs and random deaths before you start adding random crap that people are just going to lose to a game crash in the middle of nowhere.

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Rule #1 of DayZ

- Do not get attached to your gear

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Do not bull the "its an alpha" bullshit because although it is it should have basic functionality sorted before it was every released. 


I am growing tired of this game and it isnt even fully released.



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Dont beleive I asked your opinion...  for your info yes I am mad becaause it is bullshit

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Dont beleive I asked your opinion...  for your info yes I am mad becaause it is bullshit

Our opinion, or yours? Seriously, nobody cares that your character got wiped. Report that on the bug section of the forums. Nobody is going to help you here.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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I've got over 150 hours played so far, never got my character wiped due to a bug (close call once, playing with a friend and we were kicked off a server, logged back in as fresh spawns, I immidietly logged off and tried a diffrent server and got my character back, my friend who ran around a bit and looted was stuck with his new character), never glitched through a wall, never been killed by a ladder, I've died due to stairs once, running down them I fell and died, but then again, you shouldn't run down stairs slick with zombieguts.

So I've got a serious problem taking people who bitch about these things seriously, you must be doing something wrong.

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I too was plagued by YOU ARE DEAD in the middle of nowhere and for no reason over a whole 2 weeks.


This is my story and I did post this elsewhere but I shall repeat it here.


The first 4 times this happened I was pretty frustrated but coming to terms with the inevitable loss of everything I had picked up was starting to creep in. One day while bemoaning my losses to my friends someone says that I just lost connection to Steam so I ALT+Tabbed out of the game and I find that although I was connected there was an error on my screen saying that my Gaming Mouse software had crashed.


So after finding a VERY secluded spot far up North near to the edge of the playable map I logged off and prepared to go cook my evening meal. A quick look at the BBC news and suddenly my mouse stops tracking correctly, move the mouse and cursor does not move. If it did move it was only for a few inches across the screen. DEAD MOUSE approaching.


Back to the store my Mad Catz RAT 7 Laser Gaming Mouse went and with a replacement in hand of a brand new Logitech G700s I went home.


Un-installed the software for the Madcatz gaming mouse and launched DayZ SA.


Since then I have not had one death to unknown circumstances. I can log out and log in and I dont get the message saying I am dead. I tested this for 5 days by being super ultra careful and only playing in areas where there were no players zeds or buildings. On the 6th day I am happy I have conquered the problem and so I go up to a construction yard and loot the roof it is at this point KARMA gets me and I lagged out to see myself Glitch through the wall and fall to my death below........


If you have the chance try a different mouse than the one you use but you may need to uninstall the software for it and use the default microsoft drivers.


So for my problem it was a hardware+software issue.


I am now at 10+ days alive.


253 hours game time - on average 8.5 hours a day running around Chernarus

Edited by JohnDMarshall

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