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Suggestion list, Improvement and (fixes of current things)

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Suggestion list, Improvement and (fixes of current things)


Blue = Fixes/addons/  ~ thins i want to be added or fixed ~

Red = Weapons

Green =edible or consumables

Orange= Spraycans, Function etc.



Walk and eat or drink (if holding food/drinks in hands)
- Its very possible in real life so it should be possible here aswell
- Eating, drinking products - should be Consumed when Double click on them occurs
New fruit types:
- Pineapple (has to be cut with a machete, knife, axe or crowbar) - tho axe and crowbar should reduce its     content. Concidering pineapples in many countrys are cut with machete, that shoudnt affect content.
Grapes (leaves you with the vines that kept them together)
New types of cans:
- Fruit in cans, like conserved apples and pear - Added in game (canned peaches)
- Extra large cans of food (4 spaces) we all have seen very large cans in supermarkets in real life so i thought it would be cool to have here aswell.
New types of drinks:
- Orange juice bottle (L)  (4 spaces vertically)
- Large water bottle (L) (4 spaces vertically)
- Ice tea (L) (4 spaces vertically)
- Energy drinks (1 or 2 spaces vertically)


items i wish i was able to spray:
- 300 round ammo box
- Fireaxe, Regular woodcutting axe. (both handle and axe head) - should be able to do only handle or head etc. 
- Crowbar
- Baseballbat
- Small protector case 
- Gasmask
- Ballistic helmet
- Backpack
- Shoes
- gloves
- (all shooting weapons) - i know u can spray "some" atm
- Foodcans - Just for fun
- Waterbottles, Canteen etc.
- Hacksaw
- Knife
- Machete
- FNP 45 MRD (Red dot scope for FNX)

Car (functionality)

!Once cars have been implemented ofcourse!
random functionality. 
To explain further lets look at a example
1: All containers should be able to hold gasoline. Etc (water bottle) (gascan) (cantine etc)
2: You should be able to take gasoline from a dead car with a hose.
 however the player should be sick for a short period of time due to gasoline in their mouth, However charcoal tablets and antibiotics should remove the sickness within 1-2 minute or so
Cars/busses and vehicles in general should have random functionality! - examples below
examples of random functionality
Vehicle health - (broken tires-random from 0% broken to low air, 1,2,3,4 broken tires) (Carbattery energy 1-100 -RANDOM) (different levels of gasoline in the tank, also random) 
Player 1: Finds a car, unable to start due to dead car-battery- The car has gasoline so the player can hose gasolin to a container (in this case 3 water-bottles) - because he has no gasoline tank.
Player 2: Find a car, unable to start due to empty tank. The car also has a flat tire on the right rear side. the battery is at 60%
player 3: Finds a car. Able to start, has little gasoline, all 4 tires are flat but hes able to drive anyhow (slippery and a bit hard to control but the vehicle is working.
player 4: Finds a car, (dead carbattery) and a full gastank. There is a carbattery nearby so the player switch the batteries and is able to drive away with all 4 wheels intact.

Melee weapon fixes:

The high swing hits to the right of the character wich makes it hard to hit anyone (The low swing works perfect)
The high swing should take 100% more time to complete but deal 100% more damage, this way bad melee weapons can be more decent. the high swing should be centered exacly like the low/fast swing. 
Melee weapons suggestions:
- Knuckles
- baseballbat with whire on it (or you have to cut down a fence and attatch it to a baseballbat)
- Baton (police batons)
- Scythe (so that more weapons can be found in fields, sheds, or farmers lands etc)
- (use knife on baseballbat) = Wooden sword or a small wooden spear
Hacksaw: to be able to use it to saw on people 

Military items, suggestions:

- Bullet proof vest
- Night vision googles
- Military backpacks (so hunter backpack isnt the only option)
- Combat gloves
- Knuckles
- Belt pouch (belly)
- extended mags for pistols 20-30
- Drum mags for assault rifles (60+) and one smaller drum mag for pistol (40-50)
- Police riot gear, Full protective hard plastic gear (should protect against fists, baseballbat crowbar etc)
This type of gear would be found in a police station, etc

Military items (fixes)

- Fnx45 (Pistol flashlight attatchment) - Should be able to scroll with mouse to turn (on/off) the flashlight
M4a1 (bayonet)  - Should be able to use as a melee weapon with a decent range.
 - this way you can carry your gun without having to shoot zombies to attract attention. There are more uses aswell, but this is very effective if you want to sneak without switching weapons on every zombie encounter
-Remove the Reloading of weapon when entering a server
(lets say you log out for the night because you are finished, join a server and you start by reloading your guns)
(this attracts attention if theres anyone nearby and you can be shot before you even pulled your gun if unlucky)
(also if the gun is loaded when you logout, theres no reason to reload it when you join a server, however if you have 0
ammo in your mag when entering a server it should reload if possible)
- Attatch flashlight, or a pistol flashlight to a pistol or weapon with duct tape


Uses for Duct tape: (tape things together)
- bayonette on a shotgun
- sawed off shotgun to the leg then use rope and attatch it to a persons arms, if they 
move, the shotgun shoots in their leg, causing allot of bleeding and eventually death.
- Note (paper) + Blood bag. (you can now write on the blood bag)
- note (paper) + objects, etc backpack, helmet, weapon, etc iether to mark them (this is my gear etc) or just for fun when people find the items or the notes.
- Note (paper) + Wall etc. Post notes on walls for people to read.
- weapon/pistol or regular flashlights on any type of weapon or for example on top of your helmet. or on your Feet.
- Knife or bayonette on a baseball bat, now with increased damage


(Suggestion) (Added in game)

- Fruit in cans, like conserved apples and pear -  (canned peaches)




Last Time Edited:  2014-03-22 / Meenos  

(UTC+01:00) 12:15
Edited by Meenos

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One question... Where do they get the pineapple from?

Imported. we have pineapples in sweden and we are probably the furthest from pinapples in real life, so yeah. its not impossible

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Drinking while walking... maybe. Eating while walking? I mean... maybe very slow walking but if you jog/ walk fast and eat at the same time its gonna be a big mess!

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as u mention fixes in the title aswell:

- fix the walls (glitching in, glitching out)

- falling dmg

- loot respawn (or anykind of system instead of the destruction or movement of every item away from a server whilst its running ...)



basiclly plz fix all the core game mechanics before adding new stuff :3


"Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished.[151] A game in alpha is feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features.[152] These features may be further revised based on testing and feedback.[151] Additional small, new features may be added, similarly planned, but unimplemented features may be dropped.[152]Programmers focus mainly on finishing the codebase, rather than implementing additions.[150] Alpha occurs eight to ten months before code release.[151] " Thx wikipedia :3


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much list such good very improve.



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basiclly plz fix all the core game mechanics before adding new stuff :3


"Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished.[151] A game in alpha is feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features.[152] These features may be further revised based on testing and feedback.[151] Additional small, new features may be added, similarly planned, but unimplemented features may be dropped.[152]Programmers focus mainly on finishing the codebase, rather than implementing additions.[150] Alpha occurs eight to ten months before code release.[151] " Thx wikipedia :3


The content team is separate from the programming team. In essence, if they stopped adding content, we would have the same fixes, but no new content in every update.

It's not like they can just magically go and fix every single bug, a lot of which are based in the engine. Even if they had everyone stop and go to fix it, it isn't always simple and we'd be waiting for a very long time before new updates came, only to bring fixes.

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Imported. we have pineapples in sweden and we are probably the furthest from pinapples in real life, so yeah. its not impossible


I'm pretty sure import would stop if everything suddenly starts going south...

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I'm pretty sure import would stop if everything suddenly starts going south...

yeah but they probably imported pineapples before the zombie invasion etc. i mean cmon they still have tuna and pepsi etc.

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play experimental. melee was changed. paintable weapons are being added.

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One suggestion added in game: Fruit in can = Canned peaches  :D

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