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Albanian pillboxes

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I would like to see Albanian-like pillboxes in the game. There is many of those pillboxes in Albania, built under Paranoid Hoxha's rule. According to Wikipedia, there is 700 000 of those.


They all look lime the same, and you can put those everywhere, in the fields, on the hills, on the beach. There was even some inside villages. I think they are pretty cool and it would be quite scary in Dayz.


There was also some bigger command pillboxes. It would be be better than those US-like military bases.











Edited by Karakoz
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great idea , and some guys also suggested some underground routes or trenches

Edited by Polyandras

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I can understand wanting pillboxes, but Albanian pillboxes? although they do have a cool design I would rather see a pillbox design that is more associated with the games setting.

Edited by MartinD

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What settings? Dayz is a post-Soviet state, yet it was shaped on Czechoslovak actual maps, and all of their buildings are inspired from actual buildings, such as the Gorsoviet of Chernogorsk. Moreover Albania's topography is quite similar to Chernarus.

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I can understand wanting pillboxes, but Albanian pillboxes? although they do have a cool design I would rather see a pillbox design that is more associated with the games setting.

Dude a pill box is a pill box,some are made in albania,some in Russia and some in China.

They are not much diferent from one another just because they are from different countries.

Here's some Russian ones.





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That's not exactly true, Albanian pillboxes are different because they were assembled in factories, then transported to their location. That's why you can see those metal rings coming out. They were designed for only 1-2 persons. Their low cost and quality and small size explain why there was so many of those things in Albania.

Edited by Karakoz

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Dude a pill box is a pill box,some are made in albania,some in Russia and some in China.

They are not much diferent from one another just because they are from different countries.

Here's some Russian ones.







Did you even read my post dude? Look closely for the word DESIGN, I am sure I put it in there somewhere.


The pictures Karakoz posted were of albanian pillboxes which have a design with a hemisphere on top. The name for a pillbox comes from how it was likened to a box that people kept pills in these were of hexagonal shape and had a flat top (common design in Russia,Germany etc).


So no, not all are the same. They are very different from each other as they were not all designed for the same purpose, some were design to just hold troops others had large anti tank auto cannons and some were even built to house missile defense systems like the Don-2N.

Edited by MartinD
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What settings? Dayz is a post-Soviet state, yet it was shaped on Czechoslovak actual maps, and all of their buildings are inspired from actual buildings, such as the Gorsoviet of Chernogorsk. Moreover Albania's topography is quite similar to Chernarus.


Yes Dayz is set in a post soviet state, I don't see how that matters?


Neither Albania or the Czechs were part of the Soviet Union if I remember correctly.


They were strong allies, heavily influenced politically and signed the Warsaw pact during the Cold War but never officially joined the USSR.


And even if I am wrong about that (which I don't think I am) most of the pillboxes in Czechoslovak were built between 1935-1938 to protect the borders and counter the threat from the rising power of nationalist party using designs based on French(mainly), German and Russian pillboxes so topographic similarities and influence mean nothing really.

Edited by MartinD

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Ignoring the question of which model pillbox is more suitable (as per the russian/albanian examples above) - i think the general gist of the idea is great! if they were placed in logically consistent places within the game world (you know, places where it would make sense to be defending/reinforcing with tactical pillbox deployment: coastal lines of sight, forest military camps, so on) it would be neat - they could serve as rudimentary shelter (when all the weather status effects start to become more meaningful), tactical holds for players, observation posts, and generally another neat building type to be seen in the world. good stuff!  (also; as Polyandras mentioned upthread, perhaps more important/strategic pillboxes could have more significant infrastructure - tunnels, buried supply rooms/caches, disintegrating sandbags, etc)

Edited by tors

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That's what i'm saying,i don't think if we have the Albanian pillbox design in Cherno (a fictional Soviet state) would take away from the immersion/authenticity.I agree about the part that bunkers come in different sizes though depending on what they were used for.

I don't see a problem in having diferent sized bunkers in game.

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Dude a pill box is a pill box


Do you actually beleive this?  Or was it simply a drastic oversimplification for some kind of dramatic effect?

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Do you actually beleive this?  Or was it simply a drastic oversimplification for some kind of dramatic effect?

Yeah i actually believe it.They look preety much the same to me.They all serve the same function,

diferent manufacturing countries,diferent design but same purpose.So,will there be a problem if we had

the Albanian ones in Cherno?

Or do you think that they would take away from the post Soviet-state authenticity/feel?

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