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Scorch (DayZ)

Problems with running and leaning

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Hello, I just started playing DayZ a few days ago.

Besides a few bugs and things like that it is fairly enjoyable.

But some problems I have that none of my friends seem to have is with leaning and running.

When I try to lean by pressing Q or E nothing happens, it works from time to time, but most of the time it doesn't do anything.

Normally I'm able to change between running and walking without problems, but sometimes I get stuck in walk mode. Holding shift does nothing and neither does tapping it twice. This seems to magically fix itself after X amount of time, but it is very annoying and it has lead to many deaths and alot of rage.:@

This only happens when I play DayZ and not in normal ARMA 2.

I'd be grateful for any help with this :D

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Same thing is happening to me lately. Can't figure out why, but it's ruining it for me :(

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Same cant lean at all no matter what. it used to work also the walk run stuck thing happens now and again

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Sometimes when you hit the right-button of your mouse an you have no gun you get stuck on the walk mode, all you have to do is hit it again and you should be fine. About the lean problems, check your controls, re-set the lean keys and tell me if it works.

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Sometimes when you hit the right-button of your mouse an you have no gun you get stuck on the walk mode' date=' all you have to do is hit it again and you should be fine. About the lean problems, check your controls, re-set the lean keys and tell me if it works.


Thanks for replying :)

Pressing the right-mouse button fixed the issue with being stuck in walk mode. Now I just have to remember this the next time it happens. :D

As for the leaning problem, right now it works, but if it fixed it for good I can't really tell. I'll just have to play for a while and see what happens ;)

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same problem, cant lean. makes me not want to play, lame.

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Can't lean so I don't want to play? Good excuse. I have found that you can only lean when using a weapon or flashlight. So if I have no weapon to hold I always have my flashlight in hand so I can lean. I guess they figured when they wrote the code for Arma that no one would ever not have a weapon.

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I have found that you can only lean when using a weapon or flashlight. So if I have no weapon to hold I always have my flashlight in hand so I can lean. I guess they figured when they wrote the code for Arma that no one would ever not have a weapon.

I don't think this is the case here. I've been unable to lean even tho I've had a weapon equipped.

Is it possible that I'm having trouble because I have a keyboard with a norwegian layout?

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I'm having problems with this also. I've tried all the fixes and I have a weapon. Even restarting the game doesn't help. Double clicking shift does nothing, also.

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