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Zombies Don't Break Legs. They Bruise.

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I mean come on now. Yeah they can break legs but they will more than likely bruise your leg making you Not Permanetly Helpless without Morphine.

However, You could get to your Feet quicker with Painkillers... Just a thought. Many people get broken legs from Zombies and are left with no morphine. It's Damn annoying.

So I think, This is a Great idea.

post your feedback about this idea anyone? :)

Edit: Being Shot in the leg will result in needing Morphine

Edit 2: Zombies can STILL break your legs, Of course they can. Can you see anywhere where I actually said they can't? No. Don't rush to comment because you dislike something.

It is not Easy Mode. Reason, They can still break your legs. Just a Reduced Chance. Bruising, In my opinion is a great idea. You're temporarily on the ground for an amount of time. Unless they're still beating on you that's when they might break your legs. It gives you a chance to actually get away other than being dead and hopeless without Morphine.

Think before you post. Seriously.

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Well, the whole 'needing morphine to fix a broken leg' is a bit off if you ask me. Splints should be added to fix broken legs. Morphine should be used for the pain to make you stop shuddering. The box of advil should be for minor pains or when you are sick.

At any rate, OP, I'm with you on this for the most part.

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How many times have you seen a zombie in a movie actually get their hands on a person and not severely fuck them up? Bruises? Seriously? Do you really wish to turn this game into an owie simulator?

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If a zombie breaks your leg, and they definitely could break your leg, and you were in a zombie apocalypse, with damn near no supplies, and no civilization, say good bye my friend. /noagree

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How about every zombie drops morphine!!! OMG!!

Seriously tho, just go find some morphine when you spawn. It's like bullets, bandages, and beans, you won't last long without it.

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I kind of agree with this, and kind of don't.

On a personal level, I agree completely. Having (today) pretty much saved my friend from pulling all the nearby Zeds by charging a walker he attracted and hitting it three times in the face with a hatchet, only to receive broken legs in return was extremely annoying - especially considering we were miles from a medical centre and had no morphine.

However, the main issue with this was latency - the first hit should have killed it, and I would not have had my legs broken. If a zombie got hold of you in real life... I'm pretty sure there would be a chance it could break your legs.

Then again... You are not suggesting removing broken legs from zombie attacks. Your suggesting a lower chance of it happening, and some other inconvenience be added to replace the current amount of chances (if that makes sense.)

So, on balance, I think I'm going to have to agree with you.


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Zombies wouldn't break your bones themselves, the fall from them knocking you down could and at that point you would be infected or dead already. But yes I find morphine being the cure-all to broken bones ridiculous the more logical fix would be the splint mentioned above with morphine. Even then you shouldn't be walking on the leg by itself as you could cause more damage and create a permanent limp for yourself.

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Before, I use to think breaking legs was horrible in general... Until I found medical camps. But jamming my pack with morphine just seems like a terrible waste of space. I mean once I filled my pack, I went in land and have broken my leg 3 times due to zombies and now I'm down to like 4 morphine shots, forcing me to back to a medical camp soon. It's kind if annoying that it's so frequent. I honestly think only crawling zombies should be able to injure legs, and the height for breaking a leg from a fall should be increased. I've fallen from a ft drop and snapped my leg with barely anything in my inventory. So annoying!

Or at least make it so if you prone and sideways evade roll, you can drop from a much taller height.

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Getting attacked from zombie while STANDING should NOT break your legs. (Except maybe from a zombie horde, but by then, you're fucked anyways.)

If you are prone, it should be like a 25% - 35% chance of breaking legs.

Now, if you are attacked from a zombie, you can break a bone, but it should not always be your legs.

Imagine trying to break a sturdy wood board. It is hard to do with/without your legs. The only way you can really break it is if you set it at and angle and jumping on it. WHY should zombies break legs with their HANDS?

Edit: Different types of zombies ( crawlers, hoppers ect.) should have a chance at breaking legs. Standing zombies should not have a chance, unless you're proned.

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I kind of agree with this' date=' and kind of don't.

On a personal level, I agree completely. Having (today) pretty much saved my friend from pulling all the nearby Zeds by charging a walker he attracted and hitting it three times in the face with a hatchet, only to receive broken legs in return was extremely annoying - especially considering we were miles from a medical centre and had no morphine.

However, the main issue with this was latency - the first hit should have killed it, and I would not have had my legs broken. If a zombie got hold of you in real life... I'm pretty sure there would be a chance it could break your legs.

Then again... You are not suggesting removing broken legs from zombie attacks. Your suggesting a lower chance of it happening, and some other inconvenience be added to replace the current amount of chances (if that makes sense.)

So, on balance, I think I'm going to have to agree with you.



Exactly what I mean.

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