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SurrendoNET AI missions|SelfBB|TakeClothes|SalvageVehicles|NoMaintain|NoRain&Fog|AntiTheft|SafeZones|Repair&Refuel Stations|Restart 6h &more

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This is a Epoch server.

I'm not an admin of this server but just a regular player. Im writing here to introduce you this amazing server smile.png.

I had played with my clan on many many servers but finally this one is the best.


Some things about server:

0. Very stable server - no red chains etc...

1. Restart every 6h. 4h day , 2h night. There is a day after every restart.

2. Safe Zones + AntiTheft Backpack

3. Plotpole is needed + No Maintain

4. Side missions with bots every 30min. (many spawns). Many vehicles to take. Armored SUVs , Helis , MV22 , ammo crates etc.

5. You can take clothes from body.

6. SelfBB

7. Autorefuel on gas station + Autorepair for gold

8. Salvage vehicles scripts

9. Towing & Lifting script

10. No Rain + NoFog = more fps <3

11. Kill messages.


This is very nice server and it'll be nice to meet more players on it smile.png.


http://surrendo.net - website

http://surrendo.net/rules.html - rules


Edited by james312

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