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Destination Names ?

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So I've been through a lot of town and city, and I think this is a ''super duper'' easy feature to add: make a sign with a town name.

New players can get their direction without a map. In the future, city and town will get more different, so player will notice the city and town they been.

I have the feeling that DayZ towns and city is nearly the same.


Edited by Zakumy

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I'm not sure I follow.


There are already signs on the outskirts of towns...


How do you mean?

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Well...there are Town- and Roadsigns.


But what I really miss, are street-signs. 

Would really help and be realistic. 

You could even name all the country-roads though. Like "Countryroad 112" but on russian for sure. 

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I'm not sure I follow.

There are already signs on the outskirts of thens...

How do you mean?

Sorry, my fault. There is name sign, but it's hard to read.


Edited by Zakumy

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Well...there are Town- and Roadsigns.


But what I really miss, are street-signs. 

Would really help and be realistic. 

You could even name all the country-roads though. Like "Countryroad 112" but on russian for sure. 


Oh, like naming the streets within a city?


Like Main Street, or Broadway...that sorta thing? That could actually be pretty useful in coordinating with a team.


"I'm on the south east corner of central and broadway, help!"


Maybe name the highways as well.


I think that's what you're talking about, right? If so, I can dig that idea.


[EDIT: whoops, I thought khad was the op...man, I'm all sorts of confused now.]


[EDIT 2: Either way, the street signs idea is pretty good. Someone should suggest that]

Edited by Rhodes

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Yeah, I do like the street sign and highway idea. The occasional "route 12" (or whatever) sign on the longer roads between cities would be helpful and would make sense.

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