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Possible admin abuse/cheating on Chicago 51?

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SERVER: Chicago 51

TIME: Approximately 16:24 EST

I was running through a field and a bus spawned directly on me and disappeared 2 seconds later. I thought it was a coincidental vehicle spawn, but 7-8 other players died (I had all my blood, so I survived) at the exact same moment, so it's definitely not a coincidence.

A few minutes later two anti-air tanks spawned in a factory courtyard (I'm fairly certain it was in Kamorovo). I got in one of them (in restrospect this was probably a bad idea) and died almost immediately.

I've never heard of cheating players having the ability to spawn vehicles on other players locations, this looked more like the sort of thing only a server administrator could do.

I apologize for not having thought of taking screenshots, so there isn't enough evidence here (aside from logs) to take action, but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this sort of stuff on Chicago 51?

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This is more of a hacker's doing than an admin the only real abilities the admins have is to kick/ban players and to restart servers.

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Lol I took screenshots on Chicago 51 this morning the entire NW airstrip was burning and being plumped down to the ground, god was I glad I didn't spawn near that ATC tower. There was 2 tanks just running and firing missiles around.

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