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Voices of the Revenant - DayZ Mod & DayZ Standalone

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     Voices of the Revenant was formed about seven months ago as a tactical realism unit for the DayZ Mod. Since then, the staff of the clan has decided that adapting from our past of "tactical uber awesomeness" is the way to continue with the clan. We strive to have fun playing the games that all of our members play, while still remaining a semi-tactical group. To do this, we utilize real world military tactics during our game play as we shoot towards winning the game while still having fun.





     Within Voices of the Revenant we play a few different games officially, while supporting a very large variety of games that our members play on a day to day basis. We officially support;


DayZ Mod Taviana & Chernarus Epoch

DayZ Standalone


     Even though we support only these two games officially, our members play a very large variety of games on a day to day basis. Members of our clan enjoy playing League of Legends and RUST aswell. We also offer new members a chance to not only have fun playing the game, but to also make friends that they may keep for an entire lifetime (or aslong as they play with us). We do not utilize a "ranking system", but more of a list of the different senior positions in the group. the Admins and Head Admin do have say over matters of the clan. And any member that wishes to wear our tags in game must remember to keep the VoR name free of "aggro". 


     We also offer a few different servers for the games that we play. This includes a Teamspeak 3 Server for voice communication, RUST server, DayZ Standalone server, and a dedicated DayZ Epoch server that our main base is made on for the operations that the clan will run.





    The requirements to join Voices of the Revenant are relatively simple. They are as follows (please bear in mind that if you do not fit one of the requirements, to still feel free to submit an application and discuss this with the Head Admin in order to see if you are still eligible to join the clan;


- 15 years of age and above

- Own a unbanned, legitimate copy of ARMA/DayZ Standalone 

- Have Teamspeak 3 installed and ready to use

- Have a working microphone

- Be willing to download any map we play on for Epoch

- Have Epoch for DayZ Mod, or be willing to download and play it with the clan

- Must be able to be active during the course of the week, or give notice if you wont be around

- Do not troll other clan mates

- Do not be apart of another DayZ Mod/DayZ Standalone Clan

- Must speak English

- Have a mature, focused attitude in game while having fun, and be able to relax and have fun out of game


     In order to apply for Voices of the Revenant, a prospective member must first fill out an application on these forums and send it to Bandverhoff via private message. This is in order to keep your application details between yourself and I and to allow you to elaborate on your application as you see fit. In VoR we do have a "Trial Member" phase in which applicants are spotted to see if they like it with us and if we like them. There is also a brief interview that takes place on our TS 3 after the initial application has been accepted. 


     Without further delay, here is our application. Please fill our the questions thoroughly and send it via forum private messages:


Game Name:




Previous Clans:

Game that you are applying for:

Steam Acount name:

Do you have a working microphone?:

What do you bring to VoR?:

How much time (per week) can you dedicate to the clan?:

How long have you played DayZ Mod/DayZ Standalone?:

Why do you want to join VoR?:


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Game Name: Pvt A.Sepuka or plague (2 profiles) 

Age: 15

Country: United States of America

Timezone: MTN standard (-6:00 GMT)

Previous Clans: N/A

Game that you are applying for: DayZ mod and DayZ SA

Steam Account name: Plague145

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes  I do. 

What do you bring to VoR?: I can bring maturity, fun, and respect. 

How much time (per week) can you dedicate to the clan?: As much as needed ( after school around 4-6 hours)

How long have you played DayZ Mod/DayZ Standalone?: Dayz Mod for 1 year and 7 months and Stand alone for around 3 

Why do you want to join VoR?: Because VoR seems like a good active as well as dedicated DayZ clan, and I've been looking to join a clan for some time now.

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Game Name: Typhus

Age: 17

Country: United Kingdom

Timezone: GMT

Previous Clans: [TLL], [101st]

Game that you are applying for: DayZ SA

Steam Account name: Typhus

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes  I do. 

What do you bring to VoR?: British stiff upper lip

How much time (per week) can you dedicate to the clan?: 3 hours weekdays, 6 hours weekends

How long have you played DayZ Mod/DayZ Standalone?: Played the mod since September 2012, and the Standalone since mid January

Why do you want to join VoR?: I have few friends that own Dayz Standalone, and Dayz is just not complete without a group

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 League of Legends .... League of Legends ... i would like to post here what i think about it, but i have 1 warning...do not want get second

Edited by Electi

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