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www.wolf-mind.com epic daytime heroes and bandits

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Name: www.wolf-mind.com epic daytime heroes and bandits

Location: Dallas TX

3rd person: Enabled

Frequent Restarts

Good times

Simply type "wolf" (no quotes) into your filter and it should be on a very short list.

We've started to see some pretty good traffic. Starting to get some regulars. We want to encourage repeat visitors to bolster the community.

We're trying to maintain a restart schedule that keeps the loot table decent while not being a total loot farm.

We have a voice server and a community site where you can talk about your interactions or firefights from our server on the forums.

Community Site members who sign up their clan, can get their own private forum space to talk with their clan mates, as well as their own private voice channels. Apply today!

Visit www.wolf-mind.com for more info!

Edited by wolf-mind

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