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looking for a group

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Hey I enjoy playing day z but only have 1 friend that plays and he isn't on much.I'm looking for people to make a group with.by the way I'm 15 so if that doesnt appeal to you then dont reply.also i play on us servers.

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Hey, I'm in a group that is mainly based in the UK but we play on a range of different servers as long as its smooth and the ping is below 200-150

We play late into the night so around 2 - 3am GMT and at weekends longer.

For example last saturday we played until 6-7am then all woke up at around 1 - 2 pm and continued playing late into the night. We currently have about 11 members and are steadily growing day by day. We split into groups or we just all roll together :)

If your interested check out the links below :)

Forum: http://beancanteen.org

Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/BeanCanteen

DayZ Thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=20726

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Heya mandofett25,

World's End Gaming is a community of DayZ players that have joined together to play this wonderful mod. We have a diverse crowd of active players and are growing day by day.

To become apart of the community there are no requirements. Just bring yourself, an internet connection and hop on the TeamSpeak server. You will easily be able to find people to play with!

You can find the info at the links below or feel free to send me a message.

Hop on to our server/site /TS and start playing or chatting. :)

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