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[Collection Thread] Unique Buildings

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I'll search the forum a little for building threads and add links for them.

But I also want people to post stuff in the comments which could make towns and villages unique. Not only big stuff, no. What I realy want are buldings or points of interest that fit in the towns of Chernarus.


Some info about the idea:

So I think every village should have at least 1 unique thing in them you cant find anywhere else. Even more would be better. Why? Because of 2 reasons:

-  Right now the most villages look the same. You know all buildings after 1 hour of playing and you can find the same buildings multiple times in almost every village. The fact that all the buldings acctualy look realy unique and detailed makes it even worse that you see them everywhere. One bulding you cant find anywhere else would make it more interesting again to go into villages.

- It could help new players so they know where they are. Signs are all Cyrillic which makes it hard to recognize a village or town by its name. But when someone is talking about the village with the old water mill or the small town with the bus depot and the small open air stage (or whatever) you would know what they are talking about if you visited that place in the past.


Here is my stuff what Id like to see:


- Every town hall should be unique

- Old water mill

- Bus depot

- Car dump

- Area for sports

- Enterable factories with unique interior

- Woodcutter

- More variations of: supermarkets, train stations


Links for unique buldings:
Olympicz + another Olympicz

Power Plant

Jail, Hospital, Farm

^These are all quite unique but also very big and dont allways fit into Chernarus. Id like to see more small stuff in the comments. Keep in mind its Chernarus. Pictures would be cool.

Edited by Symon

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As of now, they are saying on how they are plannig on adding more buildings, such as an infirmary(the village equivilant of the hospital) and a police station. I do like your ideas, namely :

-Bus Depot


I really do hope more buildings are added to make DayZ feel more alive

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As of now, they are saying on how they are plannig on adding more buildings, such as an infirmary(the village equivilant of the hospital) and a police station. I do like your ideas, namely :

-Bus Depot


I really do hope more buildings are added to make DayZ feel more alive

Yea the police station and the infirmary are both decent adds to the map (altough I think the police station should be less common than it is). With this thread I also try to help the devs a little so they know what people would like to see added to the map.

Edited by Symon

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Not a building per-se, but a constantly burning tire fire would be cool.

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