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US 30 Colorado 1 Mass Death Hacker

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*Happened on US 30 Colorado 1 Server.

*12:40'ish PST(MY Time)

Details: 3 Friends of mine; Mastakilla12, RiseDemise, and myself MrBigglesWorth(STEAM_0:1:24522617) just got out of Solnichniy when we came upon a group of people and 2 cars. We decided after one jackass attempted to run us over after we offered to trade with them that we were going to kill and steal one of their cars. We did so and left off with one of the cars and traveled all the way to Krastonav. Upon getting there we parked the car and randomly the whole server started to die as we all just randomly died and get thrown up into the air. I believe as well the person who may have been behind it was named Spector as he was the one we stole from and once after stealing the server got hacked.

Any questions feel free to respond/pm. Also if you were in the server as well

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It has been happening on multiple servers. I am looking into it. I can attest to the fact that it wasn't spectral(Which is how you spell his name properly). Hes actually in my teamspeak right now(He is a member of my group). I am looking into the issue and will get back to you.

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That was me you are talking about and no I didn't kill the server. I ran you over because you were trying to steal our vehicle. EVERYTHING in the server is now gone, so why would I do this to the server I always play on?

This seems to have hit multiple servers at the same time.

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I don't know then it was just a coincidence then. We weren't going to take the cars until you drove out into the field and attempted to run us over. We were just going to ask if you had antibiotics and we were going to trade for an extra pair of NVG's we had. Sorry for the accusation :/. I kept on yelling at you in chat multiple times to stop we were friendly and only looking to trade. Friend was sick and needed antibiotics.

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Yeah unfortunately :/ We were heading up towards Petrovka since I've found a bike there a few times. Hopefully if we meet again IG it wont end up like our last meet :). Friendly until fired upon or ran over haha.

If you're ever by Krastonov and want to convoy let me know :D. I got a bunch of people in Skype who have designated roles as medics, mechanics, marksman, and scavengers.

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Shitty server full of hackers.... worst server ive played on by far.

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Shitty server full of hackers.... worst server ive played on by far.

Play somewhere else then.

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Shitty server full of hackers.... worst server ive played on by far.

I rather enjoy the Colorado servers (Mostly on 2 though), although I try to stay away from Colorado 1 when there are a lot of people on it. Also, I'd like the thank Dizzy for keeping it up (and restarted regularly) and making it a fun place to game for my friends and I. :D

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Shitty server full of hackers.... worst server ive played on by far.

I rather enjoy the Colorado servers (Mostly on 2 though)' date=' although I try to stay away from Colorado 1 when there are a lot of people on it. Also, I'd like the thank Dizzy for keeping it up (and restarted regularly) and making it a fun place to game for my friends and I. :D


Glad to hear this! This is why I continue to run a server! To get positive feedback like this and satisfy people!

Happy hunting!

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So what you're saying is... you support the fact that people are spawning weapon and ammo crates making cities a giant deathmatch arena with zombies? Just yesterday I ran up the hill overlooking elektro's north eastern firehouse and there were 2 more snipers... again with there own ammo crates with practically unlimited ammo for their sniper rifles.

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Im not supporting it. Im saying that there really isn't much I can do it about. It all relies on BattlEye to find out how this script is running and block it... The bastard yesterday that was spawning the ammo crates got a ban because I hunted him down and killed him and got his name then. But as for the mass killing and such, I have no control over that unless someone can get me a name on who is doing that. The RPT and log files show nothing as to who is launching the script. Sorry.

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a way to maybe find out who it is. is by checking the logs and to see who's online at the time its all happening. then cross that with the logs over the week, and check if you can see GUID's or ip's that match with the people login at the time it has happend.

it takes some time, but in the end you might catch the person doing it

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i apologize this has nothing to do with the hacker... but i cant seem to connect to your server anymore... i think it has something to do with the fact that its max 30 now? ... i can only join games with max 40 players or more... whats up with that man.. how did you downgrade... i has tents on there and want to get into them but i cant cause your server kinda fails now...

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