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Story about a lucky journey...

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So I just was there strolling around the airfield in the north always with two watchful eyes and an ear for strange noises when I hit the fire station...


On the ground I saw a fully equipped Mosin and two meters next to it a pile of stuff someone must have dropped there. Seeing this situation I first checked the middle tower for anyone else then me and found nobody. When I looked across to the firestation I also did not see anybody in there so I decided to go for the rifle. Walking over there I felt pretty high and mighty since I could not see anyone around the airfield so I stood next to the gun and was about to pick it up when suddenly *PEW* and dust is spraying off the wall right in front of my face! I just ran and ran to find myself with not just sweat all over my pants... well, I was lucky once!


I decided to take some time off of most likely populated areas so I went to Kabanino. When I arrived I just lied down and shot a zombie with my pistol when suddenly I heard say someone: "Hey buddy!" I jumped off the ground and turned around and saw a freaking creepy guy right behind me to shout: "Don't shoot, don't shoot!" So I put away my gun and went on with him to Stary Sobor to loot the place... I was lucky twice! Man, what a day!


After I gave ammo to him and some food I was left to myself heading for Gorka because my newly acquired buddy had other plans (he was thankful for my help) I was poking around the farm house finding a Mosin. Quick assembly: Mosin, PKU, compressor - wonderful. After that I just saw two guys running into the village and I just greeted them without a weapon drawn and asked them to put theirs away... Well, the didn't but instead circled me and I saw myself wedged between a wall and a stack of hay. In agony I repetedly asked them to please go then if they're not trustful of me so they went away for about 150m just to turn around again... 


Them ignoring my warnings I just took the shot at the one who turned around first and blew away his kidneys: He bled out of both sides of his body screaming: "What the hell!" After he lied down to the ground I took him out and the other one just ran to cover... I decided to leave the crime scene as fast as possible just to get lucky... three times in just one hour of playing...

Those are experiences that make this game crazy fun and the guy in the red jacket didn't even have to die but he chose to screw around feeling they were the stronger ones in this situation...

Edited by Gurk-o-vich

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