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No Side Chat turned me into a Bandit and game less fun

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Now that there is no side Chat the following happens.

• I have no idea if someone is friendly from less than 100 meters away (100 meters is not a safe distance if someone has a rifle), so I consider them hostile and engage or avoid. So basically I'm a bandit now lurking in the forrest by myself.

• The game is less fun because I can't meet up and survive with people. I don't have any personal real life friends playing this game yet, so I try to team up in game. Not really possible anymore.

• I can't help people needing morphine or a blood transfusion or go on a mini mission to meet up with someone. The map is huge and I'm not going to run though cherno asking on direct chat if anyone needs help or would like to team up. Likewise if I need help.

My best memories are teaming up with people and surviving together, I don't feel this happening as much anymore.

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I have killed 2 people so far that didnt deserve it or couldnt defend themselves. Only because i couldnt ask if they were friendlies / unarmed. Feel pretty bad about it :/ I wont take the chance if someone is like 100m away staring at me, since i dont know if they have a rifle or not. Would have helped if i could type to them.

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really? without side chat i've teamed up more then ever!

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SoulShaper > Lol at sig. But really though how do you team up more? Just hang around the shore? Whats the secret?

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No side chat makes the world feel empty. We need radios.

I agree on the radios, but the world is supposed to feel empty. Zombie apocalypse, remember?

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A multiplayer game without chat = a single player experience,

communication is a must in my opinion, its binds the community together by allowing people to help one another, swap ideas and just generally communicate and interact with one another!

the servers feel like a quiet lonely play right now!

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A multiplayer game without chat = a single player experience' date='

communication is a must in my opinion, its binds the community together by allowing people to help one another, swap ideas and just generally communicate and interact with one another!

the servers feel like a quiet lonely play right now!


I think many new players have NO clue about direct chat or how to use it.

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thats strange my favorite server which is at still has side chat enabled.

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A multiplayer game without chat = a single player experience' date='

communication is a must in my opinion, its binds the community together by allowing people to help one another, swap ideas and just generally communicate and interact with one another!

the servers feel like a quiet lonely play right now!


Rocket has a plan for bringing back a new communication system in the future. For now, this makes sense. Global chat (sigh) ruins the immersion of others who don't give a flying fuck about "who's friendly in cherno?". I only used sidechat to help newer players that didn't understand the game's mechanics, but there are numerous threads on these forums that can help them if they are really that troubled.

I do not miss sidechat.

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Which server is that? I'd like to play!

Zosso: "A multiplayer game without chat = a single player experience," Amen brother that just about sums it up.

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I understand what the OP is saying 100%. I even play with a group of friends and now we pretty much have a shoot first, or avoid all together mentality when playing the game. Yesterday though, we stumbled across a server with side chat still and it brought back some great memories. We always use vent to talk, and we were laughing at some of the stuff being said in side chat.

I think it should be a server side option in my opinion. Just like some servers now are Veteran and some are Regular.

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Game's without communication aren't fun. I bought this game to play with people, not be stuck in a retarded single player game with the feel of no one around.

Lucky some servers still have side chat on, which kept me around.

I would have quit this game is i couldnt communicate with anyone.

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I agree they took this out but there seems to 2 sides to every decision in this game. Now idk if Rocket and devs are going for money or this is there baby and they want it the way they want. But the money purposes, REGULAR should keep communications/3DP/CH/etc. keeping it a little more fast pace and keeping the kiddies who want little effort involvement to running into a city and just capping everything and everyone they see. Then VETERAN, take you communications out and all the stuff for the guys who want a more realistic feel to this end of the world nightmare/dream come true. Will sell much more, and appeal to a more broader audience.

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My experinces with side chat:

(Broken down into my opinionated percentages in how side chat is used.)

* 30% - New players whining

* 20% - Trolls trolololing in chat

* 5% - Unrelated BS (Such as what was on TV or internet meme discussion)

* 15% - Liers lying about being friendly, when they are not. :@:@

* 30% - NECESSARY USAGE OF CHAT ( Such as friendly locations, actual in game communication that RELATES TO THE GAME.)

What I'm trying to say is that the side chat really broke the immersion of the game, and it just flooded my screen with useless nonsense that I do not want to see.

Side chat also makes coming across other survivors less of an event if you knew they were there in the first place ( if they said it in chat or whatever).

I do not want side chat back.

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at the moment i like side chat being off

if the arma 2 side chat wasn't a big, bright blue piece of shit on which anyone can freely VOIP on, i would prefer it on.

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There could be an option to disable side chat client-side instead of server side. That way players who want the immersion can get rid of it and players who want to chat and meet up can have it.

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Yes let the players decide, or at least have server options (and display those options before joining a server),

I just played some more and watched from outside electro as two dudes starting out (one with a pistol, one with crossbow) run around trying to avoid zombies. I could have called out to help, give them a waypoint direction or tell them I'm comming and not to fire as I was better armed but they were 250m aways. Could have been a cool story, instead I just watch from the bushes,,,, zzzzzzzzzzzz,, give me something to do besides hunt other players.

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Remember when we had to call our friends on the phone and ask them if they wanted to come over to play games? My god this forum is awash with a bunch of panty-waist crybabies. If you want to communicate, go do it.

Oh, no. The game doesn't serve it up to you on a bright cyan platter anymore. I guess you should just give up and go home because you "can't communicate" anymore, right? No point thinking of a way around the issue. No point using that half-cooked turd muffin stuffed between your ears to come up with a way to work around the fact that you don't have a magical Godly voice that carries 20km in all directions at once. Nothing to be done but quit playing, run to the forums, and immediately demand a new library of nicely-organized, topically-categorized, brightly-colored chat channels to that we can all sit around and talk about our days and philosophy and soap operas and Pokemon and who's shooting in Cherno and are you friendly and and kumba-fucking-ya we can even sing campfire songs.

Holy shit take your goddamn diapers off and take some responsibility for your own experience in the game. I have met more new gamers through DayZ than I have since the early days of WoW. And not a single fucking one of them through side chat. Figure it out. It's not rocket science. You're a human you're supposed to be good at this thinking and communicating shit.

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The OP was just making a point that after removing the global chat, people started killing each other on site more often than before (I know my group did) and generally became less friendly when encountering other players. It has changed the way the game is being played and some like it, some don't. Seems like the easy fix is allow for servers to make this choice instead of forcing it upon everyone.

Not everyone has a group of friends to play with in game, and it's pretty hard to give random person you just found in game your Vent server info.

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Remember when we had to call our friends on the phone and ask them if they wanted to come over to play games? My god this forum is awash with a bunch of panty-waist crybabies. If you want to communicate' date=' go do it.

Oh, no. The game doesn't serve it up to you on a bright cyan platter anymore. I guess you should just give up and go home because you "can't communicate" anymore, right? No point thinking of a way around the issue. No point using that half-cooked turd muffin stuffed between your ears to come up with a way to work around the fact that you don't have a magical Godly voice that carries 20km in all directions at once. Nothing to be done but quit playing, run to the forums, and immediately demand a new library of nicely-organized, topically-categorized, brightly-colored chat channels to that we can all sit around and talk about our days and philosophy and soap operas and Pokemon and who's shooting in Cherno and are you friendly and and kumba-fucking-ya we can even sing campfire songs.

Holy shit take your goddamn diapers off and take some responsibility for your own experience in the game. I have met more new gamers through DayZ than I have since the early days of WoW. And not a single fucking one of them through side chat. Figure it out. It's not rocket science. You're a human you're supposed to be good at this thinking and communicating shit.


Oh boy, you got some serious issues.

I like the side channel. There is a lot of funny stuff coming in from it and I really enjoy laughing, maybe you don't. Actually there should be some servers on which it is always pitch black, you are gonna die instantly if a fly is passing by, the zombies can kill with their breath in a 10m radius, there is only 5 bullets available for the whole server and one can of beans/soda and if you die you can't play the game for the next 48h. And of course you can only use hand signals to communicate, which isn't really useful at all as it is pitch black all the time.^^You go on this server and do your hardcore specops roleplay, the rest can have some fun..how about that? :)

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just face it the game is going downhill with these ridiculous changed.


I like the side channel. There is a lot of funny stuff coming in from it and I really enjoy laughing

Funny? Really enjoy? Laughter?

Thanks for pretty much making the case for removal of side chat in one sentence.

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No side chat adds to the atmosphere of the game. It encourages face to face interaction with people using direct chat, which is awesome.

To all the people begging for side chat because of social interaction, there are chat rooms for that.

To the OP about you being a bandit because of side chat: No, only you makes you a bandit

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