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Window Licker

[Experimental] Thought's anyone?

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Got a good chunk of play on experimental and want to know how other people are getting on.


One of the first thing's I've noticed is the server's don't appear to be restarting at so everything is looted to hell, I decided to do a inland tour following the coast and found exactly one can of pipsi running from berezino to that super market west of kamanka.  When I say looted out, I was still in my starter gear for a large portion of the trip.  When the buildings that don't spawn anything are open and have been checked, when shoes are the only loot you can find it's a clear sign the area's been raped.


Despite the decent server population, I only ran into one other person while standing on the bolota airfield I was on the phone so I couldn't hear what he was saying sorry guy.


The garden hoe is now my weapon of choice I found it pretty effective at dealing with the infected, but it look's much more harmless then an axe (think I saw one but stuck with my ho)


The berry picking system need's to be reworked a little it's functional but not exactly fun, You can constantly spam a single bush, there is no reason to move once you've found one, the animation takes a bit long considering the berries are at an estimated 5% drop rate.  I can only guess this may be one of the things effected by the coming skills system cos it's kinda broken right now.  In saying that, it was what kept me alive on my long and empty trek.


The infected now seem to inhabit larger areas standing in fields around town making it difficult to walk in without aggroing at least one. Also their re-spawn seems dependent on the players in the area, aka you shoot one the next will spawn near you.


I was picking berries (different life from above) and saw one standing in the field a distance off, it was the only one visiable and I had the forest at my back (west of the blue shed on the road out of upper Berezino) I decided hey wtf and put her down (shot).  I went back to my berrie picking and another was on me so I killed that one too, they kept spawning in aggro range of where I was (I stayed in the one spot the whole time) until this one bitch spawned and one hitted me, dead.


Food can be put into the pot's now making a 4 inv slot but holds 9 storage container, I tried cooking something by putting it on the gas cooker but nothing happened.


So did you play experimental? notice anything?

Edited by Window Licker

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Servers have to be resetting, every time I've logged on I've found stuff when I expected it to be looted. The frequency at what the restarts are; I do not know but it has to be, because the NEAF has been generous to me when i've been on.

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Yeah the restarts have been happening, it just seems they are irregular or much longer between restarts, they are defiantly not doing a 4 hours cycle as usual, I'm of the thinking it's to part of testing to see how often loot should respawn when that system get implemented.


Was on after restart and found an M4 and SKS in the new police station.

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Food can be put into the pot's now making a 4 inv slot but holds 9 storage container, I tried cooking something by putting it on the gas cooker but nothing happened.


That's correct, but as it has been mentioned by Hicks cooking (maybe even campfires?) may come in the next experimental patch...may^^



But I like that on the experimental servers...hard to find loot, hard to stay alive, every can of beans is a potion of happiness...until you remember you still only have a baseball but and no can opener XD


I'm very excited for the loot spwaning system and I hope they stick to the original plan they had (not all loot spwans on server start only random items, but respawn/initial spawn happens at randomized times, something like a half hour as minimum)...if that system comes I can hear the tears of server hoppers flow (and always remember: Close all doors after looting, so they don't know if it has been looted or not ;))

Edited by LaughingJack
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Yeah the restarts have been happening, it just seems they are irregular or much longer between restarts, they are defiantly not doing a 4 hours cycle as usual, I'm of the thinking it's to part of testing to see how often loot should respawn when that system get implemented.


Was on after restart and found an M4 and SKS in the new police station.

Hi bro, i noticed that the servers restart in regular 4 hours interval (for the US servers, at least). If you cant find any loot, I suggest playing when the servers are a few hours in night time. Chances are the server you are on is just about to restart. I love playing on experimental, I hope you grow to like it too.

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