kroms001 99 Posted February 28, 2014 (edited) A ripped page from a book lies before you and your curiosity gets the best of you... The Rejection of Slacks1:1 There shalt be no pants. Thou shalt not wear pants.1:2 And upon the land did disease consume those with coverings upon their legs. Thee unclean, unholy spreading filth, unable to see clean undergarments; ye are the flesh eaters, ye are the guilty. 1:3 Remove thine pants. Thou art constrained with pants. Be free.1:4 And the pant wearer shalt see divine justice enacted upon them by the divine without empathy. And those who remove their pants will be divine, for HE who is without pants is amongst us. Thou Shalt Make the Wearers of Pants Repent2:1 Unclean heathen blasphemers, knees of warmth; take their pants. 2:2 The impure must kneel upon the earth, repentant without pants.2:3 The tainted must consume fruit as rotten as their soul, with their knees upon the land. For the fruit is their flesh, the fruit is their way.2:4 Thus they, the unhygienic must be left, bound to the land that they defiled without pants. The Divine Pilgrimage3:1 If one runneth from the shore upon The Great Road to the Great Temple in Electro without pants without shoes or coverings upon the flesh, they surely shalt be of the pure.3:2 If one who completeth the Great Pilgrimage without food, without water - their souls are fed with redemption, for they are the just and no longer wicked.3:3 And upon the Great Pilgrimage shalt be those who protect the guiltless, the newly baptized from the evils of those that squeak or wearers of pants.3:4 Raising a weapon for great justice in defense of your brothers and sisters is smiled upon by HE who wears no pants. 3:5 Those who defile the Way by either innocence or intrusive conduct in the Great Pilgrimage shall be detached, and sent asunder by way of death at the hands of the Great Protectors. The defiler of the truth must spill their blood to quench the fires of the ultimate blasphemy. Woe4:1 Woe unto those who wear pants, for it is written and now it is known.4:2 Woe unto those who ~the page is ripped here and missing the rest of the content~ Edited February 28, 2014 by kroms001 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted February 28, 2014 (edited) One Vision, One Purpose!For the technology of pants! Edited February 28, 2014 by Geckofrog7 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
helcol 174 Posted February 28, 2014 I REFUSE! ELECTRO IS, OFFICIALLY, A NO SHIRT ZONE, I SHALL DIE TO KEEP IT THY WAY! P.S.: This guy makes great videos if you have not seen them yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroms001 99 Posted February 28, 2014 No Shirts are fine, as long as there are No Pants. Once HE comes to the temple of Pants, all will witness his technological glory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted February 28, 2014 (edited) No Shirts are fine, as long as there are No Pants. Once HE comes to the temple of Pants, all will witness his technological glory.The rivers will flow with the blood of those who oppose us.Peace through Power! You have the chance to join us in our fight to make the Tiberium future a reality!Kane's word is all! Edited February 28, 2014 by Geckofrog7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mooky32 308 Posted February 28, 2014 I can relate to this , Itchy has started not wearing pants. This might go someone way to explaining his sack related injuries... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroms001 99 Posted February 28, 2014 Geckofrog7 You didn't read the page that was found. The infection was started by the wearers of pants, from their unclean habits. Contributing to the problem rather than helping to find a cure/solution will indeed bring upon much bloodshed. May HE who Wears No Pants attribute swift justice upon you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroms001 99 Posted February 28, 2014 Mooky32,He will turn into one of the infected soon. That is how it begins. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hutch (DayZ) 116 Posted February 28, 2014 I immediately kill anyone I see without pants.New spawn? No threat? Friendly? I don't care, one of us is going to die. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroms001 99 Posted March 1, 2014 I immediately kill anyone I see without pants.New spawn? No threat? Friendly? I don't care, one of us is going to die.Your judgement shall be harsh, unclean vermin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WargameKlok 166 Posted March 1, 2014 A ripped page from a book lies before you and your curiosity gets the best of you...The Rejection of Slacks1:1 There shalt be no pants. Thou shalt not wear pants.1:2 And upon the land did disease consume those with coverings upon their legs. Thee unclean, unholy spreading filth, unable to see clean undergarments; ye are the flesh eaters, ye are the guilty. 1:3 Remove thine pants. Thou art constrained with pants. Be free.1:4 And the pant wearer shalt see divine justice enacted upon them by the divine without empathy. And those who remove their pants will be divine, for HE who is without pants is amongst us.Thou Shalt Make the Wearers of Pants Repent2:1 Unclean heathen blasphemers, knees of warmth; take their pants. 2:2 The impure must kneel upon the earth, repentant without pants.2:3 The tainted must consume fruit as rotten as their soul, with their knees upon the land. For the fruit is their flesh, the fruit is their way.2:4 Thus they, the unhygienic must be left, bound to the land that they defiled without pants.The Divine Pilgrimage3:1 If one runneth from the shore upon The Great Road to the Great Temple in Electro without pants without shoes or coverings upon the flesh, they surely shalt be of the pure.3:2 If one who completeth the Great Pilgrimage without food, without water - their souls are fed with redemption, for they are the just and no longer wicked.3:3 And upon the Great Pilgrimage shalt be those who protect the guiltless, the newly baptized from the evils of those that squeak or wearers of pants.3:4 Raising a weapon for great justice in defense of your brothers and sisters is smiled upon by HE who wears no pants. 3:5 Those who defile the Way by either innocence or intrusive conduct in the Great Pilgrimage shall be detached, and sent asunder by way of death at the hands of the Great Protectors. The defiler of the truth must spill their blood to quench the fires of the ultimate blasphemy.Woe4:1 Woe unto those who wear pants, for it is written and now it is known.4:2 Woe unto those who ~the page is ripped here and missing the rest of the content~I think you're onto something! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ceallach 56 Posted March 1, 2014 But you are wearing pants in your avatar. Commit seppuku. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroms001 99 Posted March 1, 2014 I think you're onto something! I'm telling you bro, it is how the Z apocalypse started! People were not able to see the cleanliness of each others underwear, and thus infections began. No wonder why the developers don't want a back story to this... it could get gruesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroms001 99 Posted March 1, 2014 But you are wearing pants in your avatar. Commit seppuku.That picture was taking before "The Great Truth" was upon us laddie. I am forgiven and cleansed now. As you will be, soon - one way or another. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites