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DayZ Database

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So I'm a hobbyist programmer and I had an idea today:

A Day Z database of players that worked a little like e-bay reviews.

Say I make an agreement to trade with someone on a forum, or even in-game and I want to make sure they're trustworthy. We'd go on the database and schedule a trade. We would then be able to leave comments about each other.

This would allow you to gauge another survivor's general attitude. I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in this and if there are any web designers who could lend me a hand I'd love it.

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Not everything has to be quantified. Part of what makes Day Z fun is the unpredictability and fear. Being able to check some database to see if someone is good or bad takes that away.

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CREDIBLE it's player driven so it's really nothing outside what you could do yourself...

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Creative suggestion, but I'd have to agree with the other comments. By sticking to a server you could get to know people etc. Besides, without sidechat this database would be very rarely useable, direct comms range gives no time to check.

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TheGoldElite, when speaking to people on forums etc. There will probably eventually be radios too.

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