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Dayz Standalone Problem andere Spieler, Zombies zu sehen und mit Sachen zu interagieren

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Hello, First of all I am sorry for grammar and writing mistakes English is not my mainlanguage.

I have the following Problem in the Game DAYZ Standalone, I am unable to interact with the game after a certain time, I am kinda disconnected to the game, although my friend is still able to see me how I act.

E.g. When I play with my friend I suddenly got the problem, that everything stands still. I can see my friend now just where he was when I kinda disconnected. In addition I am unable to see any zombies, but I am still able to get hurt. I am also unable to Drink/Eat/change the weapon/open the door/take stuff/drop stuff When I want to interact with my stuff in the inventory, after rightclicking it there is only mentioned “receiving…”. But my friend is still able to see my actions like moving or attacking.

I am also still able to talk to my friend via Skype, I have still access to the internet.

This problem occurs unregulary sometimes after 5 minutes but also sometimes after 5 hours. Then it takes like 2-10 minutes to unbug. This “unbugging” is shown when the red lag sign appears, then everything continous normally, but the problem can occur again.

I already tried to deactivate my firewall, but it doesn’t work.

I can play games with a smiliar internet usage like battlefield 3 or league of legends without any bugs occurring.  I know this game is still in the standalone Alpha, but I look forward to help.

I would guess it is because of my bad internet I only have a 3k wire, it is maybe enough to send data, but not to receive data.

Some dates about my pc:

OS: Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

Processorr: Intel Core i7CPU 860 @2.80 GHz

Ram: 4 GB

DirectX: Version 11 Graffikkarte: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series (aktuellster Treiber)

Router: Linksys WAG200G

Wire: 3000R

I look forward to some answers


Edited by skerres

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kann ich leihen dein feuerzeug?

Edited by DeatHTaX

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Something similar happens to a couple of my friends that are playing on ok computers for gaming and not that great of an internet connections. We're pretty sure it is their connection, because it mostly happens during times that more people would be using their internet, or if someone else is using the internet for Netflix or something else that eats up bandwidth. They also don't lose voice chat during these times, which we use steam chat for. We could be wrong though.

The game is known for using a LOT more bandwidth than any other game out there and a lot more than it needs too. This is currently being worked on and there is a possible fix out right now in the experimental branch.

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