cuwe 66 Posted February 27, 2014 Hey all, Been living in (and loving) the DayZ world for about a week now and just stumbled across these forums the other day. Been catching up on all the latest dev notes etc, and I have seen very little mentioned on player stats and just wanted to open a discussion about it. I did a search for other threads and I didn't see any in depth discussions so if it has been discussed before (and I am sure it has) then forgive me. That being said, I wanted to get some input from others on the necessity of stats. I personally love the lack of identifiers and stats in the game and hope it stays as such. Currently, you have no clue who you run into and as such have to actually have human interaction and talk with people (OMG actually talk with people!!!), discover who they are, and build a relationship. How much more realistic can it get? I honestly think the addition of absolutely any stat tracking is only going to boost the number of KOS players we have online. As soon as the glory hounds have a number they can put beside their name saying how good their K/D ratio is, they will do everything in their power to "be the best". All you have to do is look at the Call of Duty and Battlefield forums and see everyone posting their "1337" stats in their signatures... So I just wanted some other players input on if they agree and like it how it is (not knowing who you are looking at without actually talking to them) or if you want to see identifiers above peoples heads and see stats being included. And again, this thread was not started to get people arguing, just wanted to get a general feel for what the community as a whole thinks of stats in general. Thanks everyone and hope to run into you online... unless you are a KOS player, then I hope I don't run into you online ;) Happy looting everyone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mullraugh 1151 Posted February 27, 2014 (edited) gonna put it out there - many people don't want player stats because it's "grindable" to make your character super good at something.Yet in real life, you do something over and over again to improve and learn. It's not like they are going to add stats like "deadeye" or something like that where you just continually shoot at people and level up your ability to aim. That's based on you. Stats in DayZ are more than likely going to be passive things. Like finding more berries while foraging, getting more meat off of killed game, finding more fish while fishing, finding sticks easier in the forest to build fires and maybe some medical things like faster bandaging. Skills aren't some random haphazard exploit farm that people put into games for no reason at all. They can help your character do simple tasks faster, better and overall improve your skill in a field. And for DayZ- you lose them all when you die. And I'm probably talking about something completely unrelated to the post haha. Whatevs. STATS not SKILLS:Now i'm talking about the right thing. Personally I think there should be zero GUI on your screen. Not even the "I feel hungry" stuff on the bottom left or the little white dot in the middle of the screen that ruins cinematic screenshots. I think it should all be 100% Sound and Actions. The text is good however because it gives you an "all knowing" point of view for your character, just like you have on your own self. Stats like Kill/Death ratio are a massive no no. Like you say, people will just kill other people, even new spawns, just to be the "best badnit in da wurld." I played on a server that tracked player stats like humanity and players killed. Eventually I became a regular to that server (CA 25 before it became a Breaking Point server) and I knew most of the people who played on it. This one guy, who's name I won't say, bought a $20 donation which gave you a soldier skin and a ton of gear and a DMR on spawn. He literally just ran around spamming shots in Elektro and managed to get over 1 million humanity lost (-1,000,000) and around 5000 kills. He didn't care if they were newspawns or anything. And his reason, in his words was "it's fun and im better at killgn than u". I was on the top of the list for humanity at +87,400 and 0 player kills haha. Edited February 27, 2014 by mullraugh 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iBane 381 Posted February 27, 2014 Stats are coming per Rocket. How exactly and when has not been determined. One scenario under consideration is to have a database of statistics being compiled that is accessible outside the game via a website. This info game from Eurogamer's live-stream with Rocket earlier in the week. I've summarized the interview here: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cuwe 66 Posted February 27, 2014 (edited) Those stats I would like, getting skill points etc.. but the main stat I do not want to see is # of kills. But I agree 100% with the stats you are speaking of and would gladly accept those :) Edited February 27, 2014 by cuwe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonDude 9 Posted February 27, 2014 I personally love the lack of identifiers and stats in the game and hope it stays as such. Dayz should not be a Game around Stats 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
louist 163 Posted February 27, 2014 gonna put it out there - many people don't want player stats because it's "grindable" to make your character super good at something.Yet in real life, you do something over and over again to improve and learn.I feel obliged to point out the parallel between "grinding" and doing something over and over again to improve. You're describing what is essentially the same process, the I ly difference is that one happens in game, and one out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
savini 587 Posted February 27, 2014 We used to have a stat page on the front page for DayZ. It always seemed to run really slow, but basically you could search for your name and it would pull up a few things like: How long your current character has been alive, your longest life, meters on and so forth. If those are the type of stats you mean. As far as skill point system...I've heard a few ideas, but not many I like. I much prefer the 'we are as skilled as we are' route. As in, nobody would get an aim bonus and such. Keep that in the RPG's I say. That's just me though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QbitzR 157 Posted February 27, 2014 IMO serverside stats are acceptable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Odysseus (DayZ) 43 Posted February 27, 2014 Personally I think there should be zero GUI on your screen. Not even the "I feel hungry" stuff on the bottom left or the little white dot in the middle of the screen that ruins cinematic screenshots. I think it should all be 100% Sound and Actions. Not very friendly to those of us who play without sound, or some others who live without sound. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mdogg2005 447 Posted February 27, 2014 Dayz should not be a Game around StatsThis. Though I did like the stats from the mod. Time survived, zombies killed, players killed, maybe. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pillock 850 Posted February 27, 2014 (edited) Given that DayZ is a survival game (is that a given?), the only stat that matters is how long you've been alive. Number of murders you've committed is not something to brag about, in my opinion, any more than the number of morphine doses you've administered, or the number of spaghetti-tins you've opened or the number of books you've read or the number of LRSs you've found. This is a game without objectives, except the ones you set yourself. If the game starts recording stats like "kills", then it immediately sets an artificial objective for players - a badge of honour, even - which doesn't necessarily conform to everybody's idea of what they want to achieve in-game. Once the mere act of staying alive actually becomes a challenge (finding food and sheltering from the elements without being injured by zombies, players, wild animals, etc) it might become worthwhile for the game to record people's life-spans. Until then, all stats are either just pointless or else positively detrimental to the game. Edited February 27, 2014 by Pillock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tarascon 50 Posted February 27, 2014 Stats would be handy. Like seeing that you've killed 3 people in combat and 6,000 bambis.Might make you reconsider your behavior. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt.Oddball 71 Posted February 27, 2014 All I want is time spent alive. Not always on my screen in game though.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonDude 9 Posted February 28, 2014 All I want is time spent alive. Not always on my screen in game though.... thats kind of stats i could live with Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mosibfu 71 Posted February 28, 2014 the people on the bf forums boasting their K/D ratio, play the game wrong.. PTFO lol tho there is 1 public stat that i would like to see and share out of game.. the time i survive, its a survival game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cuwe 66 Posted February 28, 2014 the people on the bf forums boasting their K/D ratio, play the game wrong.. PTFO lol tho there is 1 public stat that i would like to see and share out of game.. the time i survive, its a survival game. Agreed 100%, thanks for all the input gang... just wanted to know what the general feel was... and while this was a small sampling of replies, it a tleast gives me hope I can play on a server with some people and not be vaporized on sight because some guy wants to bump his ratio's Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oregonized 673 Posted February 28, 2014 I would like to see stats that track how many players you have helped by tending to their various wounds and how many zombies you have killed. I don't want to glorify the killing of other players at all by having a stat that tracks the number of players you have killed or your humanity. The more things in the game to bring the community together, the better. I don't want to get rid of bandits because they have their place as well as the neutral survivors, but we need more of a reason to have friendly interaction between players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
king_of_the_beans 92 Posted February 28, 2014 I think the best thing will be to put stats in the please wait, you are dead, and you are unconscious screens. It shows the player what they have accomplished only in that life and that life only. Your stats reset upon the time you are dead. I think stats should be things like -Km ran-Amount of zombie kills-Amount of player kills and so on, those 3 are obvious but I don't feel in a creative mind set ATM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AryanBoogeyman 185 Posted March 1, 2014 In this game - stats are for scrubs. No other answer needed. Now as far as a skill progression mechanic - that's a different story and one I am in favour of. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites