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game has become silly..

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So I died a BS death a few minutes ago..

Had a really good run but after 3 hits got a bone broken (was at 11k blood). What ever I don't mind time to start a new character was starting to get board..

So new character!

going through village tones of ammo BOOM Super Zombie! sees me from god knows where runs through walls like some horny geek after some sweet ass (zeds sound like horny geeks to me really some1 has to change the way they sound..)

Super zed runs after me for some time and then I'm like FUCK IT just have me already and I'm dead..

2nd try!

Same fucking story! there is no real point in being sneaky as long as they fucking super zombies exist!


/end fucking rant


Just give us a gun with like 3 bullets that is all I need! 2 for the horny fucktards and ONE FOR ME!!

P.S Tell me that this zombies don't sound like they are horny! I play a female character so that kind of amplifys it..

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You're doing it wrong, I crossed the entirety Berezino today without a single zombie aggro and on top of that I had a complete stranger giving me a blood transfusion.

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So, you got chased by a fast zombie, and died... twice. Wow, you really are bad.

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Many zombies seem to aggro from 50km away even when you are prone. I was sneaking around cherno at 1am, pitch black i had no bars of sound or visibility, and a zombie came for from at least 50 meters away.

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To me, it sounds like you're rushing it because you want instant gratification- such as a weapon and food.

I crouch walk and have no problem getting by. If one spots me, I'll lose it by moving through a building and exiting again. Slows them down so you can make an escape.

Just use patience and plan your route if things go south.

Edit- however, sometimes you will get that super zombie that spotted you... just run into the woods with it and take it out... or use my building strategy.

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Many zombies seem to aggro from 50km away even when you are prone. I was sneaking around cherno at 1am' date=' pitch black i had no bars of sound or visibility, and a zombie came for from at least 50 meters away.


Haven't seen anything of the sort in Not necessarily calling you a liar, but I have looted ~5 separate helicopter crashes which are absolutely surrounded by tons of military zombies, and the only time I have aggro'd them was due to my own mistakes - accidentally running, not judging their path or speed properly, etc.

I think 10m is probably a more realistic estimate for the "1 ear" sound value you get now crawling. Sight is still 0 ticks so I don't think they can see you.

If a zombie is near you and not moving toward you, stop and let it pass. You are more likely to be heard crawling away than if you sit still and wait. 0 sound/sight is like 2m safety range.

Anyway, long story short I think it's not bad. It's a challenge but it should be.

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In I was cared zombies would agro from far, but I've noticed that for a prone player they are blind as ever, and even in their direct sight at 10m they don't spot me at 1sight bar! Running is a big nono, and the crouch run/walk both give 3 bars in light grass now!

Anyway I have had NOOOO problems with stealth, it's much better IMO. Also I have taken many hits, even at 4k blood, and I'm still going.

As ever listen to Zed, he is omnipotent. IIRC if you do the slow crawl you stay on zero sound, but Im not sure if that raises your sight, maybe by a fraction of a bar (Unless the bars are discrete values, and don't represent a spectrum)

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Nah I'm sry I'm not rushing it or anything..

It's just annoying for me to spend so much time sneaking and then out of no where aggroed zombie..

It happens to me only in villages...

Cites and military camps never happened to me..

I can sneak all day in the medical tents for instance..

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