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Liquid graphics?

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It seems that all the textures are moving? Its like the liquid effect in photoshop... Is this normal?

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Hmm.. Never happend to me.Set your graphics to normal or low and see,cuz the problem may be in your computer.Can you write me the model of your video card and CPU.Also the RAM!

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Thanks, Yeah I have a GTX590 and 8GB RAM and an i5 processor.

When I walk up to the a tree and stair at it, the bark looks like oil moving?

Not sure what the ideal setting should be, but I think everything is on veryhigh? Maybe I should lower that?

I dont know much about the antialising and other options

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Change your screen resolution to very close or identical to the 3d screen res, i think thats what its called. Something that has width and height in its options to change it. May not fix it, but makes the game look less watery.

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You have a very fast computer,but try to lower the graphics to medium or hign and then try.[Maybe its from the the very high textures]

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Anti-aliasing just removes the jagged edges on models at a performance cost. (Your 590 shouldn't have a problem)

It might be an LOD switching bug, are you using the latest beta patch?

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I get this too. It's like when terrain (irl) is really warm/hot and you get that heat ripple off it.

I'm running a gtx560 core i3 6gb.

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I got this not too long ago too, but at that time, is VERY low on blood, so I thought that was just blurry vision caused by blood loss. Is one of you having any problems with a lack of blood? Maybe under 2000?

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