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Missing textures/Deerstands invisible

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Been playing for two weeks now, and everything have been working perfectly....until yesterday.

Me and my buddy were just done bloodpacking it up in the hospital in Berezino. We were heading north then he said: "look there, an army base." (north of the city) I was just "huh??!" All i could see was a football field with some zombies on. The problem was I was obiously missing something, but could see all the zombies that should be hiding in the millitary tents. The same thing happened when we found a deerstand later. I didnt see anything, just the loot of the deerstand floating in the air. haha!

What is my problem and how do I fix it? I have the latest version and is running Combined operations from steam with the

"-mod=@dayz -nosplash" prompt.



Dont have any screens of the football field/millitary base but could go back and snap some if needed.

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Thanks! Did what you told me but to no help. Steam found one file that got redownloaded. Back in the game, still no dearstands and millitary base north of Berezino. Hmmm, maybe its just my GFX card or something?

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Looks like some game files are missing/corrupted, update your GFX card drivers, redownload the game, verify the game files and try again. That's all I can think of right now.

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