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Looking for a helpful player

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Just started playing this mod about 2 days ago.

So far Ive died many times, mainly from other players shooting me but I can evade zombies usaully using the hill slow thing..But Im getting better fast...

I'm pretty good at kitting myself, I know the map well now, and have a set path I take on new respawn, so I can get armed and supplied, but I'm just to trusting..Its a post apocalyptic world where people need to band together.

EG. Guy running away down a road towards me with about 4 zoms after him, I was hiding by a bush and shot the 2 back ones dead, then run after him and finish the others off, And we teamed up I thought! I gave him a coke and my side arm, as I had an AK and enough ammo, - He shot me in the head..

So if you're one of the good guys and fancy teaming up with me drop me a PM etc, Im EU-UK and have a vent server thing..

I like this game, imo its the minecraft for adults - and it can only get better with each update - hopefully ;-)

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I can help U mate , but I'm 13 years old,but I will gladly assist you.

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