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Fixed my join game you are dead situation

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For awhile I was having a problem where I would log out and when I logged back on after awhile ( didnt matter how long I was offline ) I would see the message YOU ARE DEAD on my screen.


At first I thought it was a bug in the game but it was not that at all, I read the forums and the feedback, then tried all the tricks people suggested but it was not a glitch or a bug as my default file was also being reset.


Now it so happens on one of my moments after death that a friend noticed in game that I had logged off from Steam, yet I was still connected. So shutting the game down I decided to check everything on my steam was active, as I browsed the forums again suddenly my mouse stopped tracking and I received a message that my software had crashed.


After a few agonising moments it came to be the point that indeed my MadCatz R.A.T. 7 Laser Gaming Mouse had indeed failed and so I borrowed my wifes mouse to continue - a basic wireless mouse from HP. The wireless mouse software installed yet I was still getting problems. I then uninstalled the RAT7 software and suddenly I could play again and since then I have not died for unknown reasons.


May I suggest that if you die on a regular basis at login please do consider that your hardware may be contributing to this problem. Try a different mouse as a start even if its a basic dirt cheap mouse your kid sister uses. Then check to see if turning off any back ground programs such as old mouse software helps you stay alive through the log in phase.


I can only relate that by uninstalling the SMART TECHNOLOGY software and detaching the mouse from my computer I have solved my problem.


I replaced the MadCatz R.A.T. 7 Laser Gaming Mouse with a Logitech G700s Laser Wireless gaming mouse and so far I have been alive for over 5 days. During this time I have not been killed by any other player or by zombies however I did glitch off the top of a construction yard and fell to my death.


Good luck to other people who have the YOU ARE DEAD when you log on. Please do try a different mouse and temporarily uninstall you current mouse software. You can always re-install the drivers/software for your gaming mouse if you dont find this to cure your problem.

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I doubt its the mouse software causing this.

Edited by So Sexy

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I doubt its the mouse software causing this.

Computers can be a little crazy sometimes, I can't run certain games with chrome open in the background or my computer hard crashes and refuses to detect the HDD until I unplug it, pet it for a while, a few cookies and a glass of milk later and all is forgiven.







(female computer for sure)

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Computers can be a little crazy sometimes, I can't run certain games with chrome open in the background or my computer hard crashes and refuses to detect the HDD until I unplug it, pet it for a while, a few cookies and a glass of milk later and all is forgiven.


Why are you using Chrome? When Chrome connects, it makes over 28 connections for no good reason. I found this out using Little Snitch. Never use Chrome.

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I doubt its the mouse software causing this.


You see this is the thing - unless you have this issue you wont know whats causing it - for me it was my mouse and software causing the problem. If you dont have a problem like this you will not be able to find a solution.


I had a car that kept breaking down - I took it to 5 garages and none of them thought to check to see if there was anything wrong with the fuel filter. They all said it was an ignition problem and all wanted to charge me lotsa money to replace the whole thing. It was only by the fact that I had an old car that I considered the fuel filter fitted inside the fuel tank. Problem solved.


This was my solution to a problem - it may help others and at least its worth trying to see if it might be the cause :)

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I had a set of speakers that stopped me playing every game i owned it was infuriating.


Hardware is the cause of at least 50 % of all issues people have with games.

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