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Most friendly people ever

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We met them at elektro. We were al quite badly equipped, except for me (loooooooots of ammo / food), but clothes as a noob (hehe).


We talked about bandits, a lot of other things. We started to trust them. We just waited for~10 minutes to see other people. We were camping on the top floor of a house facing the school.


And then.


They shot us. With a magnum.





I can't believe this. I will never be friendly again. Never. This game made me a bandit forever. I will NEVER trust any fucktard in this game. A bullet in your head. That's what you can get from me. I even gave them a canteen and tuna. But it didn't matter. I died. Looking for a Mosin right now. :thumbsup:


After 100h+ of this game, I met so many fake-friendly people that I'm officially a bandit right now. Being a hero isn't rewarding for me. Not anymore. I will bandit the bandits. They destroyed the gameplay for the bambies. Because the next time, if those bandits are dead, and respawned and begging for food, I will give them ammo, in their head. Because they will shoot me a few minutes later.

Edited by EvilTigerAce

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In this thread:


OP makes mistake by trusting someone he just met.


Gets killed for that mistake.


Takes it out on everyone else he'll ever meet, regardless of whether they had anything to do with it or not.


To continue the Yoda theme: Sense. Make it you do not.

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We met them at elektro. We were al quite badly equipped, except for me (loooooooots of ammo / food), but clothes as a noob (hehe).


We talked about bandits, a lot of other things. We started to trust them. We just waited for~10 minutes to see other people. We were camping on the top floor of a house facing the school.


And then.


They shot us. With a magnum.





I can't believe this. I will never be friendly again. Never. This game made me a bandit forever. I will NEVER trust any fucktard in this game. A bullet in your head. That's what you can get from me. I even gave them a canteen and tuna. But it didn't matter. I died. Looking for a Mosin right now. :thumbsup:


After 100h+ of this game, I met so many fake-friendly people that I'm officially a bandit right now. Being a hero isn't rewarding for me. Not anymore. I will bandit the bandits. They destroyed the gameplay for the bambies. Because the next time, if those bandits are dead, and respawned and begging for food, I will give them ammo, in their head. Because they will shoot me a few minutes later.

Yeah... there isn't already 10,000 threads about this same exact experience, LOL!

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Yeah... there isn't already 10,000 threads about this same exact experience, LOL!




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Story is 3/10, really predictable for DayZ, and tries to make you feel bad or something.

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Oh Dayz, crushing the dreams of overly friendly people who forget that they are playing a game with other people who are holding imaginary guns.

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There is no reward for being a hero, there never will be

It's called being selfless

To be fair if your giving up so easily being a hero was never for you to begin with

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Don't drop to their level.They are scums, and they will remain scums...don't become 1 of them.There are still good ppl in this game.

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There is no reward for being a hero, there never will be

It's called being selfless

To be fair if your giving up so easily being a hero was never for you to begin with


100h is short? Lol.


But you have to understand that I never shoot fresh spawns or bambies. I will only shoot people who follow me, attack me or beg for stuff.

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The only people I trust are the people that I know in real life that I play with.

Anyone else is a stranger and deserve to be killed. Harsh?

Hell no.

Nine times out of 10 those bambies that people love to hug are just bandits that have not yet geared up.

Why give them a chance to gear up and shoot you first?

I've been attacked by bambies plenty of times. They deserve everything they get.



We just waited for~10 minutes to see other people. We were camping on the top floor of a house facing the school.


My question is this...

Why are you camping on top of a building waiting for other people?

Now I may be wrong, but this sounds like the sort of behaviour of someone looking to snipe others so that they can run down and steal their gear....or just to snipe for fun.

If you're looking to be friendly, surely you should be standing out in the open waiting for people rather than hiding on a rooftop...

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Why are you camping on top of a building waiting for other people?


To not die. You can't walk in the streets of Elektro with 40p. I usually do it to spot people (and in most cases they get shot) and then kill the guy who shot (the bambie in most cases) because the guy who shot him is often a bandit + heavy geared.

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There are 65% bandit - 35% friendly people, and 10% out of the latter are just a-holes, which leaves a total of 25% totally friendly people in-game. There is a video in the gallery section which shows flawlessly how to interact with other survivors; you don't know who was a psycotic pant-less clown in their past life, therefore don't take chances. It's not that hard.

Edited by lafeasd

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It's funny how you call yourself a hero, can I ask you what you were doing in Electro? Also, nobody cares if you don't like this games mechanics and gameplay. And if you are a "hero" you should have enough experience with the game to shut up and accept your death without fucking bitching about it.

Edited by Zjasuu

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To not die. You can't walk in the streets of Elektro with 40p. I usually do it to spot people (and in most cases they get shot) and then kill the guy who shot (the bambie in most cases) because the guy who shot him is often a bandit + heavy geared.


You realise that there are towns that AREN'T Elektro, right? There's a whole great big map out there. There are plenty of places you could be 'not dying', but for some reason you just so happened to be laying on a roof in Elektro, huh? ;)

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You realise that there are towns that AREN'T Elektro, right? There's a whole great big map out there. There are plenty of places you could be 'not dying', but for some reason you just so happened to be laying on a roof in Elektro, huh? ;)


Lol. You don't get it.


I wasn't even on a roof. I was on top floor. And there are multiple types of heroes. I'm not a guy who runs around looking for people to help. Elektro is a good place to help people: there are lots of bandits. And I know the whole map. I went to the NW Airfield about ten times, to the pavlovo militart base five times, the upper right airfield an amazing amount of times... I know how the map looks like, but I don't play this game to run away from people. That's boring. Playing in empty servers or just staying in the North. A lot of players are just in the vinicity of Elektro. :)


And I've never shot/shoot random people. I always make sure that the people who I kill are people who kill random people <wow what a sentence.


Oh and by the way, what I said about killing everyone, that ain't gonna happen, I have a heart right here :D


i was a very little bit mad

Edited by EvilTigerAce

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I can't believe this. I will never be friendly again. Never. This game made me a bandit forever. I will NEVER trust any fucktard in this game. A bullet in your head. That's what you can get from me.


I don't think any bandits will object to me speaking on their behalf when I say:

You mean murderer. Stop using the word bandit when you clearly mean murderer.

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Lol. You don't get it.


I wasn't even on a roof. I was on top floor. And there are multiple types of heroes. I'm not a guy who runs around looking for people to help. Elektro is a good place to help people: there are lots of bandits. And I know the whole map. I went to the NW Airfield about ten times, to the pavlovo militart base five times, the upper right airfield an amazing amount of times... I know how the map looks like, but I don't play this game to run away from people. That's boring. Playing in empty servers or just staying in the North. A lot of players are just in the vinicity of Elektro.


You can say whatever you like, but if I happen to be passing through Elektro and spot a guy with a gun lurking near a vantage point, I'm going to go with the odds and assume he's not there for my benefit and act accordingly. I can guarantee you that a lot of other players will do the same.


You can't have it both ways. You can't choose to play in the biggest PvP hotspot on the map 'because you like the action' and then come on here crying your eyes out when you get shot/betrayed. That comes with the territory you chose to play in, and the onus to watch your back and make sure that anyone you DO turn your back on is trustworthy is yours and yours alone.


Every single decision you made leading up to the moment where you got shot played a part in the outcome. At any point you had the chance to do things differently, to play it safer, but you didn't. Death is a part of DayZ, and I really hope you don't make one of these threads every time you die, because judging by the way you play, you'd be creating a lot of threads.

Edited by Target Practice

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I thought it was common knowledge that the coast/ military bases/ and electro were all deathmatch areas?


It is, If you dont plan on living too long go to Elektro. Doesn't matter how good you are or how geared up you are. You will die

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We met them at elektro. We were al quite badly equipped, except for me (loooooooots of ammo / food), but clothes as a noob (hehe).


We talked about bandits, a lot of other things. We started to trust them. We just waited for~10 minutes to see other people. We were camping on the top floor of a house facing the school.


And then.


They shot us. With a magnum.





I can't believe this. I will never be friendly again. Never. This game made me a bandit forever. I will NEVER trust any fucktard in this game. A bullet in your head. That's what you can get from me. I even gave them a canteen and tuna. But it didn't matter. I died. Looking for a Mosin right now. :thumbsup:


After 100h+ of this game, I met so many fake-friendly people that I'm officially a bandit right now. Being a hero isn't rewarding for me. Not anymore. I will bandit the bandits. They destroyed the gameplay for the bambies. Because the next time, if those bandits are dead, and respawned and begging for food, I will give them ammo, in their head. Because they will shoot me a few minutes later.

So you became just as bad as one of them. Just like the Nazi generals obeying your seniors. Two wrongs dont make a right . KARMA WILL GET YOU


Hero forever :D

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Electro isn't a good city for finding friendly people, in Electro everybody is friendly until they get an axe or you give them the opportunity to stab you in the back.

You can be friendly in Electro dough but you will need to keep an eye on everybody, especially if you are wearing a weapon as they will try to kill you for getting the weapon.

My friend and me were attacked there many times by people calling themselves friendlies :)

Had encounter real friendlies in Electro also, not so many but you never know.

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