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Settings for DayZ to get better frames

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Under Dayzproperties in Steam there's a launch options button. This helped quite a bit.


There's more launch options. Just do a little googling. But I changed it to read my 8 cores using -cpuCount one and it does spread the workload.

Spent sometime benchmarking and OC my 7970 from stock clock 925 to 1110 and got a huge boost in dayz performance. Get minimum 55+ frames in Elektro while recording with OBS now

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Im still amazed you manage to get 5.2 out of that cpu lol shit i use a liquid cooling rig and a portable aircon blasting at my pc and i dont take my 4770k anywhere near that high .( then again standard  air temps here are around the 40 c so its rather hot and i am a sissy i know i can get 5ghz out of mine but i just hold back lol ...

Haswell got a soldered thermal grease plate, thats why the old sandys clock way better without cutting the cpu.

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