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Those super lucky moments

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So I've made my way from Elek to berez, got an AKM and a Mak and a few extra supplies. Got to berez and my no.1 goal is a bigger bag than the default one.

Loot the first general store and nothing, loot the military tents and theres crap in there as well, so i proceed to make my way to the apartments next to the 2nd general store. Keep a constant eye on the apartments I spy a guy wearing an Alice and all he has for a primary is a Winny, JACKPOT. I take some cover behind a fence and use 3rd person to scout over the fence looking for any movement; only to have a hopper come from behind. I run off and deal with 2 zombies and make my way back to the apartments.

I edge my way closer to the building where i saw him in and i notice movement at the door. I see his gun sticking in the doorway and i carefully see whats inside. I see him lying on the floor and i try to take his pack but i can't, as the poor bastard is knocked out. Not wanting to waste time 3 mak shots in the head and the alice is mine XD life is good

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