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An odd story

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I have been playing DayZ for about 2 weeks straight now with 2 other friends. We have been learning the game together, how to survive from sickness, fix broken legs, hold people hostage, bandit, friendly...etc together. It has been a very fun experience and probably the most fun I've had in a long time since Minecraft. In our group we always try to take people hostage instead of KOS, which is hard because 90% of our encounters it's 1vs3 and that 1 guy tries to be superman and KOS all 3 of us at once.


We were looting the Balota airfield when one of my friends had to go AFK for a minute. He hid inside 1 building while the other guy and I went to check out the next one. Less than a minute later I heard "Drop your weapons and come out with your hands up!". Normally this would have been a proper holdup, but me and my friend had thought it was our other friend who was AFK just messing with us, which it wouldn't have been the first time since we do that to each other all the time. Naturally after assuming it was my friend I held down my Caps Lock and yelled "NO YOU COME IN HERE AND WE ARE GOING TO TICKLE THE S*** OUT OF EACH OTHER!!!" in a very assertive voice. The guy responded with "ok this is weird" and at the same time my friend said he was back in Teamspeak. I asked if that guy outside was him and he said no. We went out to investigate and the guy had combat logged just around the corner of the building.


I had felt bad for not taking him hostage, it was a good opportunity missed since there were 2 of us and 1 of him, but in my eyes combat logging is a pretty idiotic move. So I took my SKS out and shot him as he was combat logging, looted his mosin and gave it to my friend, stripped him naked and hid the rest of his body. Just wondering is it considered cheap to kill someone combat logging or do they just deserve it? I guess I was a little too assertive about wanting to tickle him and scared him off. I only wish I had my OBS recording at the time but I had forgot to push the key to record...normally I record the entire time I spend in game.

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Lol, wish you were recording, that's pretty funny.

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Normally I don't share my "noob" experiences but this was a little too odd of an occurrence to not share.....


So playing this past weekend for about my 9th total DayZ hour and countless noob fresh spawn deaths from various unfortunate accidents or curious bandits looking, searching and hoping that maybe just maybe my flashlight is in all actuality a "Flesh light".  I finally made my way to Electro.  Having heard the horror stories of fresh spawns dying by the droves in this God forsaken place I decided to hit the north fire station coming from the tree line just above the town.  I watched for a good 15 minutes to make sure my chosen route was not being looked at by others.  With what I thought was a good opening I went in.


To my surprise the fire station was relatively un-looted and I was able to find food, drink and a fire axe!  With my cargo vest, pants and jacket filled with food (no weapons, besides the axe) I left heading north again.  As I was walking out of the station a fellow friendly traveler came out of the lower level, severely bleeding and screaming for help.  He said he just loaded up on supplies and was mugged by two other guys and they were right behind him.  I was skeptical right at first but sure as shit in they came.  Two guys dressed in clown masks and helmets.  I hate clowns....  anyway the guy basically passed out right away from blood loss and I proceeded to chase down and kill his attackers with my newly found axe.  Mission accomplished!  I looted their bodies and packed up to head out.


Just as I was getting ready to leave this little court yard; in runs another friendly, this time this guy is fully loaded; pack full of fun and exciting things screaming the same thing...help..help...well you know the drill.  He was also bleeding profusely.  I had found some medical supplies on one of the turds I just killed and was in the process of trying to figure out how to help him and just then...he passed out.  Damn my noob timing anyway.   I told him he was unlucky enough to find a new guy fresh from the coast to save him.  He told me that it was cool and at least he had some cool shit for me to loot of his dead...he died right then.... lol SWEET!  He was not kidding either this dude had everything and more that a guy like me would need to make his way to the NW Airfield with.  


In short I say thank you good Sir for the gifts, your sacrificial offering and I bid you farewell.  My trip to the NW Airfield went well as I think there were only 10-12 people on the server at the time I looted the place blind.   I am finding this game even in alpha phase to be quite good and I am definitely looking forward to the upcoming releases.  

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 I keyword searched "glitch" and looked through a mess of threads but I couldn't find anywhere else to post the following. The Report Bugs thread didn't seem the place as I'm sure this isn't the only case of the "Ship of Glitchy Death" (in fact, I know it's not) nor did the death by sea thread seem to be the right spot... as my experiences were not soley watery.

So bear with me adims & mods if you have to move this post.


 Ten days ago--by my second day of play--I felt relatively successful as a noob by the time I found the broken-up ship near the east coast. I was set to wend my way north on to new adventures when I decided to head back inside to the stairs only to see my avvy get teleported through the sea-side wall, through the railing and sent plummeting into the sea to my death. The second time I made it to this ship of horrors I decided to log out whilst (stupidly) standing on an upper deck only to find myself spawned later into a locked room below that deck. The strange thing about this void-space was that the room had textures; it was as if the coders created the room but forgot to place a working door there. Earlier, I'd found myself zapped below the floor of a house and that space was a proper wireframe and, somehow, was able to wriggle free of that trap.

 Luckily, before I died of starvation (I had no weapon or poison and couldn't just respawn), I checked online and found several comments about this. I was able to escape this hellish room by spamming the V key and leaping through a wall with pipes near the floor. I think that was an east wall.

 This world is out to get us. :P

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