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Warning Shots

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But you're assuming everyone will fire back because you would. So far, two of three have left the area immediately preventing further conflict- my stated goal. That's a reasonable percentage to me (though a small sample).

It is inefficient, sure. But as long as it remains effective (meaning I don't die while on very dangerous ground) I'll keep trying it. If I start dying, my approach will certainly change, likely to a KOSer, but I'm trying to avoid/postpone that.

I'm not saying everyone will fire, I'm saying that more people will fire on you then otherwise.


obviously there are people who are just out to avoid gunfights, but there are also people who will go out looking for them (the people who are going to shoot at you regardless), and people who won't start a fight but will sure as hell participate if one kicks off (the ones who will shoot at you when you shoot at them first). you are in the end only increasing the number of people who want to shoot you. this is what I'm getting at, there are people out there like me that won't just shoot at you for no reason, but you shooting at me, even if you miss, is easily reason enough for me to at least try and take you out. in you're attempt to ward off gunfights you are essentially putting a neon sign over your head saying "fight me". it's impractical, it's more amiable then outright KOSing, you're trading less people shooting at you for a slightly less exposed position (although you kind of give away your position when you fire your weapon anyway).



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Sure, but how many intelligent people who aren't afraid of some gunfire are currently playing?

I gravitate to gunfire. Means the guy Im about to shoot at can give me a fight back.


Not that it matters if he fights back, or if he has a weapon in the first place...

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Back before the log out timer I would pump a few rounds into a wall or the ground when I heard loading in noises at a popular server hopping spot to get the hopper to log to preserve all that hard earned gear, worked 99% of the time.


But warning shots? Most player will assume you tried to kill them and are a terrible shot, this will encourage them to hunt and kill you. Its a bad idea.

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i like the tactic, it is not really a warning shot, but people not willing to fight over the loot will turn away, and people looking for a fight will know they can get one. i prize you for being a humanitarian.

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Thanks for all the feedback and discussion. I'll keep some of the points in mind mentioned above. I'll likely continue to practice this tactic when circumstances allow, and will occasionally throw some anecdotes in here. If anyone else tries this, I'd like to hear your results. 

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