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Looting on low population servers

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After a fresh spawn I have a route I take from one end of the map to the other.  It takes a few hours and I am usually able to re-kit by the end of the trip.  I may log off at or nearby the airfield, and go to bed.  Next time I play I jump on, and look at that I am at or nearby the airfield and travel the same route in reverse.  Again takes a couple hours but i might be able to find a few a few things to enhance my gear.  That doesn't make me a "server hopper."  Sometimes I will make my run from point A to B, then jump to a new server and make the run from point B to A.  That doesn't make me a "server hopper."  Even for the folks who are out there who DO literally loot, jump servers, loot, jump servers, loot?  Why should you give a crap?  Let them.  It's not hurting you.  Nobody wants to spend 6 hours playing and running around and not being to even find a can of beans.  That's not fun.  Its a sandbox game right?  All the KOS players cry when they are being judged by others for the way they play and say, "its a sandbox game, I can play how I want, there are no rules!"  Well guess what you are right.  There are no rules.  So if someone wants to spend 2 hours getting loot instead of several days, or if they prefer to play on low-pop servers instead of a full one?  More power to you player.  Play how you want.    


Eventually re spawning loot will be implemented.  Just like the re spawning zombies that is coming soon.  When this finally goes in this "perceived" problem will work itself out on its own.  We will all have less need to play on different servers at that point as you won't have to wait 4 hours for a server reset to find a backpack and an ax.       

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