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How is the map read?

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Hey guys,


I have always asked myself, what the "spots" and their size on the map exactly mean, and espacially: what do you do with it??

I am sure not every (good) player loots every single house. So, he looks on the map and sees which house is worth to be looted. You have the small spots, the square spots and the fat round spots. Which spots do you grind? e.g. do you only grind the fat circles?

Plus, the color don't seem to mean that much, cause I found supplies and clothes on red dots and weapons on yellow and blue spots.

But I guess more experienced players know which spots to look at and which to avoid to get some gear.


Would really appreciate it if some experienced survivors could share their experience here ;)

Edited by MarchmelloMan

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I really hate the DayZDB map nowadays. It used to be good (in the Mod spot on even and the first few days that it displayed the SA's loot it was somewhat decent) but now it has a lot of dots on places that just don't spawn loot and the categorization system implies a gun can be looted from nearly every shack/shed/small ass house in Chernarus.


So my experienced opinion; Fuck maps, go around and about in the game and see for yourself - after I decided I'd take this very advice I learned to identify all the lootable houses / gun spawns within not to much time and that's a whole lot easier than checking a map.


Maps in alpha are bound to be inaccurate anyway as the loot system/locations change every few patches ;)

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The colour only shows the loot spots main loottable. On red ones, there can also spawn blue or yellow or green loot, but it is most likely spawning red loot.

it shouldn't be hard to understand, that loot amount and quality is shown with size and shape of the dot.. small dot < squares < big dot e.g.


As Problematic said, there are a lot of dots that don't spawn loot yet, but that will change in the development of the game, so yes, there will be a chance that every shed, shack or small house could spawn a weapon inside, wether it's melee or a gun. But at the moment a loot of spawns don't work properly and a loot of items aren't ingame yet, so be patient.

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