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Character couldn't be loaded. It has been reset. An admin has been notified.

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I killed one guy near Vybor. I said: Okay... I should exit now and enter another server - Just like that.

When I enter a new server, I got this:





Now, when I connect on any other server, I have a completely new character.

And also, I didn't connect on a hardcore server. I was all the time on regular servers.

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Well... It's been reset. It's Alpha... Expect game breaking bugs. Just report it and move on, it will help development.

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Can't I have my character backed up or something?


ha ha ha lol



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You know what.. I've noticed this the past week or so.

I've gotten into some pretty hairy fights and ended up on top.
I some times wonder if the people i killed were the server admins & had the ability to have my toon wiped.

Cause soon as i left their server.. my shit was wiped..  This happened 3 times this week.
Friends from the same server had no problems.  Only difference between me & them.. I made the killing blow..
I may have tea bagged a corpse or 2... and said in voice chat "YOU LIKE THOSE? TASTE GOOD DOESN'T IT!?"

So my theory is the Server Admins have the ability to punish you.. As in have your Toon wiped.  Last laugh?

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yesterday my third character got a reset. I was able to get my first Charakter back by relogging on the same server over and over again and fortunately i had no timer. My second fully equipped character I lost.

Yesterday I went along with a friend, when suddenly the Game crashed. My friend was protecting me until i closed the game and disappeared.

When I tried to login back I started back on the beach, with flashlight and battery.


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(normal, non-dev) server admins can't erase or "wipe" ur character. What they can do is kick you and/or restart the server. That's all a admin can do.

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(normal, non-dev) server admins can't erase or "wipe" ur character. What they can do is kick you and/or restart the server. That's all a admin can do.

Well, they may have reset the server to roll back their items. :P

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Well, they may have reset the server to roll back their items. :P

Reset the server dosen't rollback their items, i know, because my friend is a server admin on DayZ, all it does it respawns loot.

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Reset the server dosen't rollback their items, i know, because my friend is a server admin on DayZ, all it does it respawns loot.

It's not fool proof, but if you reset a server DIRECTLY after you lose your items, it can rollback. I think it works better on more populated servers. Essentially, it tries to save too many items at once by spamming it, and so some people's loadout doesn't get saved.

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This is true. I've died, legitimately killed seconds before a server restart and would log back in alive as if nothing had killed me. 

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Hey guys,


I don't want to start a new thread so I will stick it to this one.

Yesterday evening while playing with a friend (directly after the 2 hour steam outage) the server we we're playing on went down after ten minutes of playing.

So we connected to a different server and after a short wait (which was way longer than on normal logins) I saw exactly the same message as WertyRO described.


This is pretty frustrating after about 12 hours gametime on that character. Never happened to me before in almost 90 hours of DayZ.   :(


Any idea whats causing this? Maybe the character shouldn't be deleted if it can't be loaded from the hive. Just refuse to connect the player with the hive then?

Edited by daPhantom

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      ..... I'm posting here too because I don't want to start a new topic and clutter up this forum....

I'm having an issue connecting to servers right now. I'm getting the exact same message as above. I'm currently playing on experimental.

EDIT: Just tried connecting to a hardcore server instead, and my hardcore character was gone and I spawned on the coast. I guess we'll see with the regular character. If I figure anything out I'll post again.

Edited by ElektroMonkey

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