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Primary Weapon Stats Tradeoffs

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I've been perusing this forum as well as DayzDB and a few wiki pages.


What I'm not finding is are the "real" stats for each gun.  Namely, here's what I'd like to see:


1.  Dispersion, and also how this gets affected with attachments.  Is there a preferred zero for the weapon?

2.  Damage @ 100 yards.  How many hits does it take to bring a player down for body shots and head shots.  DayZDB's information looks like all the rifles have the exact same damage stats.


Those are the two things I see lacking overall.  Things like magazine capacity and fire rate should be obvious.


My main issue is that I'm stuck choosing a new gun and would like the data before I finalize what I'm running around with.  I had an M4, but found the accuracy to not be there when I needed it most.  In firefights I noted that controlled 3 round bursts would miss even at ~50-75 yards, and if they would hit, the damage would not be sufficient to kill the enemy (full pristine with Magpul parts).  As a result, I'm currently carrying a Mosin and will change my playing style accordingly.  What worries me is the lack of an automatic one shot kill (from what I've seen/heard) with a bolt action rifle.


Thanks for the input, I hope this thread can provide some insights to people who have a choice of primary weapons to choose more wisely.


ETA: Also, I'd like to see some discussion regarding the current armor system and how it affects damage.  When I died last time, the person I was fighting with had 4 protector cases, and it was like I was firing blanks.  My buddy with a Mosin took him out though with a headshot.

Edited by It'sPete

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