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Taking random damage in pants?

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I was just playing a game where I seemed to take random damage out of nowhere.  I'm wondering if anyone can help me figure out if it was a bug or if there is some feature of the game I'm not aware of that could have caused it.


Here's what happened - I'll give detail but I'm not sure how much of it is actually relevant to the problem.


- I was looting one of the military buildings with the jail cell in it

- I was on the ledge on the second floor opposite where the stairs come up that usually spawns a bunch of small items

- I found a can opener on the floor, and dragged it to replace a ruined can opener that was in my pants

- When I dragged the can opener, all of the sudden I got a screen flash of gray with blood on the sides as if I had been shot, and my character made a sound like he was injured.

- After the screen flashed, I noticed that my pants were now ruined, and some of the items inside were also ruined or damaged, as if I had been shot.

- I didn't hear any gun shots.

- I don't think there were any glitchers in the building because after I took the damage I didn't get injured anymore.

- Even though I got the damage screen flash and my pants were ruined, my character's status still was all green and said "healthy," which I don't think would have been the case had I been shot.


Anyone have any ideas?


Another detail that may or may not be related is that when I spawned in on the server I noticed my pants were ruined, even though they were worn when I logged off.  Is there something in the game that causes you to take random damage in the pants?


I noticed this issue filed on the tracker, but I don't know if it's the same thing that happened to me: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=9199

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That's odd, I got this one too in the same type of building. I was just trying to grab a pair of pants on the top of the bookshelf in the room on the second floor. My buddy was outside the windows at the back and he didnt hear any gunshots nor was there anyone in the building at the time. 

My pants and all items in them were ruined but that's not the worst,it broke my leg as well.

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I've gotten that thrice in servers where I was the only one inside. Was just traveling between towns and that happened. 3 pristine pants became ruined. Most if not all of the items in the pants were ruined. Definitely not a gunshot since I'm the only one there, and my status is still healthy.

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Same happened to me, same bulding, all exactly the same except i never took damage on login. I was stressful because i saw the jail door open, i thought there might be someone inside the building. I was with my M4 ready to fight. I inspected the building and when i tried to pick an item on a bed, i crouched. Then it was like I took a shot, i was to scared I shot everywhere ! Then i checked the room and proned, closed the door and stayed in front of it in case someone get in. All that in about 5 seconds, i was feeling my heart pounding in my chest ! I stayed there a bit while checking my health, i was healthy. My pants were ruined with everything in them. I grabbed another pair of pants, some stuff laying around in the building. I got out and hid in a bush, then promptly logged out. I never knew what it was, but i thought of a bug. Thanks to you i now know this is one.

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I was crawling around trying to hide and snipe in some bushes one day with pristine pants on, and after 20 minutes of just laying there my pants and contents (all of my mosin ammo!) was ruined. Fortunately that ammo split bug still works but there was absolutely no explanation for it. Never even got a flash like I was hit by anything.

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