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Interactable "Clutter" Objects

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Existing in other games is a form of object sometimes referred to as clutter.  You can't put it in your inventory, and it responds to the physics of the game.  In some games, lootable items act as clutter while on the ground as well.  Battlefield has such trash strewn about, and Bethesda games are known for populating the world with these (Elder Scrolls, Fallout: NV.)  Further, the Bethesda games allow the player to "pick up" the items using a button and then sort of carry them through mid-air using the physics engine.


I think DayZ would greatly benefit from this addition.  These clutter objects make noise and are easily jostled around with player bodies.  Sneaking through Elektro, you could knock over a trash can and make noise, alerting players and zombies in the area.  With the ability to move these items at will, you could easily create noise traps around your position.  Loose empty tin cans and forks, etc. can be collected on the ground in an area, rattling and clinking when a player walks over it.


This would add a lot of stealth-play to an already sneaky game.  Small trash can walls could funnel people down certain alleys for robberies.  Not because they couldn't trample them, but because they wouldn't want to.  Snipers can lay noise traps behind them so they don't get blindsided.  People could stake off areas for themselves as a form of nonverbal communication. Pile a garbage wall in front of a door, and it sort of screams "occupied."  It also doesn't prevent you from storming it with an M4 if you want.


A sniper could set up a few of these barricades and watch over a town, and when someone climbs over the trash to loot the house they give themselves away as being riskier and less respectful, and more likely to be a bandit.


The noise trap becomes even more useful if additions like http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/176172-experience-the-ccp-way/ are inserted, requiring longer periods of immobility and more protection.




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Interesting idea, for sure.  I think right now the problem is server optimization because it hosted by clients and not superpowered machines.  I'm pretty sure the Devs have talked about limited server object capacity (can't think of the proper name atm) that is the sticking point on why more infected enemies and wildlife aren't currently in the game.  Ever piece of loot eats requires some effort on behalf of the server, so clutter objects are wasted space at the moment.  I do say at the moment, because when/if the time comes that the servers are optimized beyond the point of what the Devs want in terms of players, loot, wildlife, and infected are all in there then we very well could see this.


It's just a ways off is all, if ever.

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Oh agreed for sure.  Clutter is a pretty common feature of games now, so I figure it will happen eventually.  I don't know when larger developing houses insert clutter, but early-alpha seems a bit premature :p  The main suggestion is the ability to interact with the items, rather than just kick them around unwittingly.

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Good idea, I like the trash can noise thing. But I can see people just running around with floating objects in front of their faces.

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Oh okay, my mistake.  I should have mentioned that the idea of having the clutter items tie into being useable in a limited fashion is a great idea.  I personally loved the "junk cannon" or whatever it was called in Fallout3 - that thing made me laugh.  Nothing that crazy mind you, but yes - noise traps, improvised caltrops, etc.  All good ideas.

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Good idea, I like the trash can noise thing. But I can see people just running around with floating objects in front of their faces.


Good point, since that's what it looked like in those games :p Maybe it would require the use of one or two hands, so people were actually holding things.  You could extend this type of interaction to dumpsters and bodies, too, if desired.  Take two hands to slowly push one of those dumpsters around, or drag a body back into your lair.  Animation refinement down the line could make the idea look pretty good as well.

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Oh okay, my mistake.  I should have mentioned that the idea of having the clutter items tie into being useable in a limited fashion is a great idea.  I personally loved the "junk cannon" or whatever it was called in Fallout3 - that thing made me laugh.  Nothing that crazy mind you, but yes - noise traps, improvised caltrops, etc.  All good ideas.



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Nice idea. One thing I feel is missing from DayZ that would bring more immersion is lots of random items littered about the place that are essentially useless but could still be interacted with. Fallout 3/NV had these items in abundance and I used to collect some of them to decorate my house (Nuka-Cola trucks, that sort of thing). I do hope the devs can get the dynamic objects optimised enough to have lots of random tat lying around, I'd certainly collect some for a safe house/base or something, or to decorate my camp. It'd be funny for someone finding it to discover it's chock full of snowglobes or cuddly toys. :D

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Haha, that'd probably be disconcerting to run across! All that little stuff really does add to the ambience, though.  The little relics of a fleeing populace are what make the houses look lived in and abandoned, instead of like a barren unibomber shack with a mailbox.  And bonus to being able to use them to your own needs, however benign or dark they happen to be.

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