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Why you should play DayZ with your girlfriend.

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My girlfriend doles out some justified instant karma to someone who attacked me. Then we get a bit sadistic on his friend, who also attacked us first. I call this episode 'Mickey and Mallory'.

Show this video to your wife or girlfriend if they need some convincing to play DayZ with you. It sure has brought us closer. :)




(EDIT: Due to concerns about the strong language in the first video, I have posted this second video without said language.)

In this POLAR OPPOSITE video, we have a brief stand-off with a couple of fresh spawns. But after some talking, we end up trading items and war stories in a conversation that lasted well over an hour.

We aren't violent people. Only when pushed.


  Edited by Esolu
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I can't believe i watched the entire thing.


1. Check the write speed and compression rate of your harddrive your footage is laggy.

2. Your mic quality changes too often, might want to invest in a better mic.

3. Your language is extremly vulgar and will probably get you flagged several times on youtube.

4. The entire video gave me cancer.

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I can't believe i watched the entire thing.


1. Check the write speed and compression rate of your harddrive your footage is laggy.

2. Your mic quality changes too often, might want to invest in a better mic.

3. Your language is extremly vulgar and will probably get you flagged several times on youtube.

4. The entire video gave me cancer.


usually people wait until they've been around the community for a little while to be a flaming asshole.


That's what I did at least


edit: wow these two deserve each other...



kind of scary how violent this guy is

Edited by DeatHTaX
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usually people wait until they've been around the community for a little while to be a flaming asshole.


That's what I did at least


Hey we can't all be saints, i gave the man some reasonable criticism while at the same time having some fun with it:) 


Oh i've been around, just been lurking for a very long time.

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I can't believe i watched the entire thing.


1. Check the write speed and compression rate of your harddrive your footage is laggy.

2. Your mic quality changes too often, might want to invest in a better mic.

3. Your language is extremly vulgar and will probably get you flagged several times on youtube.

4. The entire video gave me cancer.

lol, thanks for all the suggestions.


It's really not that bad. You're just being an asshole. Forever alone.


EDIT: I'm Canadian. We all talk like that.

Edited by Esolu

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lol, thanks for all the suggestions.


It's really not that bad. You're just being an asshole. Forever alone.


EDIT: I'm Canadian. We all talk like that.

Canadians were supposed to be nice....

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lol, thanks for all the suggestions.


It's really not that bad. You're just being an asshole. Forever alone.


EDIT: I'm Canadian. We all talk like that.


1. I'm an arsehole, yes.

2. Your language is still quite vulgar and will still probably get flagged by people, try to tone it down a bit.

3. I gave some suggestions, invest in a seperate HDD for footage(better compression/write speed, yadda-yadda)

4. Get a better mic.

5.Your nationality is irrelevant.

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I will NOT show this to my girlfriend because of the bad language in this video

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I will NOT show this to my girlfriend because of the bad language in this video

I see the hate coming from people. I apologize. Like a true Canadian should. We don't all swear like that.

In fact, I've updated the OP with a more friendly video that you CAN show your wives and girlfriends. I'll post it here again.

Once again. Sorry if I've offended people.

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My girlfriend says you can have her beans too. :)

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My lady is not a fan of keyboard and mouse games unfortunately.


My little one however...she likes to watch daddy cut up some zeds.


Also, all that bullshit about your language...fuck that. In my personal life I curse like a sailor. It's just how myself and the asshole, piece of shit, pricks I hang out with talk. On a medium where writing is the primary for communication I try to articulate better, but for the purposes of my argument...fuck that too.


As long as people can choose whether or not to watch a video, then they shouldn't be going around flagging shit they find offensive. Like fuckin' speech police, are you fucking crazy?


The nice thing about the internet is that we all share the same freedom, no matter what country we call home.


Keep it real brother, and fuck all that bullshit.

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My lady is not a fan of keyboard and mouse games unfortunately.


My little one however...she likes to watch daddy cut up some zeds.


Also, all that bullshit about your language...fuck that. In my personal life I curse like a sailor. It's just how myself and the asshole, piece of shit, pricks I hang out with talk. On a medium where writing is the primary for communication I try to articulate better, but for the purposes of my argument...fuck that too.


As long as people can choose whether or not to watch a video, then they shouldn't be going around flagging shit they find offensive. Like fuckin' speech police, are you fucking crazy?


The nice thing about the internet is that we all share the same freedom, no matter what country we call home.


Keep it real brother, and fuck all that bullshit.

Amen brother.

When it comes down to it, especially in situations like this, I don't hold back. Never will. 

Thanks for this! It was a much needed response!

Edited by Esolu

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Hello there


I actually have 2 girlfriends. One handles the keyboard and the other the mouse.





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My lady is not a fan of keyboard and mouse games unfortunately.


My little one however...she likes to watch daddy cut up some zeds.


Also, all that bullshit about your language...fuck that. In my personal life I curse like a sailor. It's just how myself and the asshole, piece of shit, pricks I hang out with talk. On a medium where writing is the primary for communication I try to articulate better, but for the purposes of my argument...fuck that too.


As long as people can choose whether or not to watch a video, then they shouldn't be going around flagging shit they find offensive. Like fuckin' speech police, are you fucking crazy?


The nice thing about the internet is that we all share the same freedom, no matter what country we call home.


Keep it real brother, and fuck all that bullshit.


I was simply giving him a suggestion, i swear a lot more than he does when i play videogames, but if he wants viewers and doesn't want to get flagged he might have to tone it down a bit.


people will flag videos for various stupid reasons.

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I was simply giving him a suggestion, i swear a lot more than he does when i play videogames, but if he wants viewers and doesn't want to get flagged he might have to tone it down a bit.


people will flag videos for various stupid reasons.


Fair enough. To me, language is just a silly thing for people to get upset about. No worries, I see we're on the same page now.

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I was simply giving him a suggestion, i swear a lot more than he does when i play videogames, but if he wants viewers and doesn't want to get flagged he might have to tone it down a bit.


people will flag videos for various stupid reasons.

I just love to play video games and post the footage. I've been very casual about it for many years. My first video was a Land of the Dead video in 2007. A couple years later, I posted a scene from the movie "Hard Boiled": which subsequently went viral one day and now has over a million views. Most of my subscribers are from video game players over the years from my random vids I have put up. I was lucky enough to get partnered two years ago and haven't known what to do with it since then.

I mostly post personal things like my spoken word, and I think I have a vampire movie that I did as a practicum. I never really worried about subscribers or holding onto viewers. I just post the things I love, and be who I am.

This DayZ series is my first real series I have done, It's not going to be for everyone, but I'm not going to change just for more viewers. Also, if any video gets flagged, I can always dispute it and put an age filter/mature warning on said video.

I do appreciate your commentary on the whole thing though. I'm very jaded from being a performer for many years. So I'm always adapting rather than feeling bad about things people have said. 

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Yo woa woa never mind being able to handcuff and force feed people poison.  You threw in bad language as well?! OVER BOARD.  That is just too far.  The machete hacking with your girl wasn't weird or vulgar or nothing. But that potty mouth was just un-called for.  

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Enjoyed the video.

Can't play with my Gf because we cant afford two gaming-grade Pc's but she enjoys to watch me play sometimes.


She says I'm a pussy for not shooting everyone I see. Also keeps asking when we can cannibalize people :P

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you lagging too much, i think if someone saw you they will definitely report you as a hacker. LOL

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lol, thanks for all the suggestions.


It's really not that bad. You're just being an asshole. Forever alone.


EDIT: I'm Canadian. We all talk like 

LOL well said,

That sad Sarahbram

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The sound is terrible, like everything including your footsteps are echoing.  Also way to go running off like a 'lil b**** and leaving your gf all alone with the yellow coat guy.

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