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List of: SIDE CHAT ENABLED Servers.

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hi, looking to compile a list of servers here that have side chat enabled and are friendly with the newest beta update.

list sofar:

TX20 (US62)

TX7 (US83)

edit: updated OP list

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you guys seem to be sputing rumors...

according to this thread... no to both of you.


so again' date=' my question is, are any other servers doing this particular thing i asked about?


From the very same thread you linked.


Can you please tell what was the name of that server? Afaik, server admins are not allowed to modify the mission file to enable features that rocket intentionally has disabled in DayZ.

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you guys seem to be sputing rumors...

according to this thread... no to both of you.


so again' date=' my question is, are any other servers doing this particular thing i asked about?


From the very same thread you linked.


Can you please tell what was the name of that server? Afaik, server admins are not allowed to modify the mission file to enable features that rocket intentionally has disabled in DayZ.


at the end of the thread this was posted:

TX20 Server Admin here' date=' we have side chat enabled with the help of the devs. It's really a request thing, it's not special treatment or anything. Some servers have it enabled, others dont. Rocket would prefer it to be disabled, but doesn't care if it's enabled since it does help new players out tremendously.

Is it something that would get a server blacklisted? No. No it's not. Because the mission file was edited by a member of DayZ staff. We don't touch anything besides basic server configs and occasional edits to the dayzcfg file (handles difficulty such as enabling/disabling of third person). All of which is allowed.

Until Rocket emails me saying "Hey, we're doing something now that requires side chat to be disabled permanently" we will will continue having the mission file updated to have it enabled. Again, we get this done by a DayZ staff member. We don't touch it because 1) we don't want to break it, 2) don't want to change something that would result blacklisting and 3) could care less about anything else. We don't mind side chat.

We do have VOIN (in-game voice) disabled. Because that gets annoying VERY quickly and everyone uses TeamSpeak, Mumble or something similar anyways. It also causes performance problems on some servers.

EDIT: The reason we bite heads off is because we do get a lot of players who think they know it all when they don't. We know what we're doing and we will not do anything that will result in the server being blacklisted. Trust us. Some server admins, regrettably, do shit that should get them blacklisted. We're not one of those admins.


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I can assure you' date=' no dev has given KidDeath any special permission.


i don't feel assured....

any dev want to comment for sure?

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according to a different thread, i hear TX7 (US83) also runs side chat in the same manner.

any others?

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From what I've been told you're not supposed to edit the mission file to enable side chat. I double checked with the server team in IRC. That's why Tansien ended up responding in this thread.

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yabut... the guy claims he didn't edit the file. he claims he was given the file by a team member.

so the following should be the case, either:

1. someone on the dayz team, or the team itself is supporting in some way side chat as an option.

2. the guys a fucking liar.

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yabut... the guy claims he didn't edit the file. he claims he was given the file by a team member.

so the following should be the case, either:

1. someone on the dayz team, or the team itself is supporting in some way side chat as an option.

2. the guys a fucking liar.

there has been a couple of threads about us (tx20) having sidechat enabled. each time we've said a dev has enabled it for us. if that were a lie a dev would have spoken out about it and if they didnt want us to have it enabled they would contact us asking us to disable it.

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yabut... the guy claims he didn't edit the file. he claims he was given the file by a team member.

so the following should be the case' date=' either:

1. someone on the dayz team, or the team itself is supporting in some way side chat as an option.

2. the guys a fucking liar.[/quote']

there has been a couple of threads about us (tx20) having sidechat enabled. each time we've said a dev has enabled it for us. if that were a lie a dev would have spoken out about it and if they didnt want us to have it enabled they would contact us asking us to disable it.

i figured so.


would be good to hear from other people that know of other servers doing this, and what those servers are.

sofar the list i got is 2 servers...

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Having side chat enabled will not get your server blacklisted. Rocket has said that it's allowed but certainly not approved. The only reason he isn't blacklisting servers is because side chat will be removed entirely anyways, when radios are fully implemented.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong and should ask Rocket themselves or refer to my post on Reddit


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