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Snort (DayZ)

Zombie Leg Deterioration

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Simple suggestion that could be of great use. With the new stealth system in place and the fact that they can actually lose you now is great, but what about when you want to leave a town or something? The towns are the only way to lose zombies that are running at you full speed, unfortunately if you just leave a town and happen to pick up a zombie, you'll have to run right back into the town to lose them, in which you might aggro more zombies to lose. I think if Rocket were to introduce a system where the zombies start crawling after 1km of running, it'd make it a lot easier to lose these inconvenient zombies.

At the moment we have zombies that will chase the newly spawned characters indefinitely due to having to run back into towns to lose them, you can't actually get away. If you have these zombies chase you out of town, the only real option is to shoot them, making a noise and possibly attracting more zombies or just general unneeded attention from bandits.


Zombies legs should deteriorate after a certain period of time, forcing them to crawl.

What are your thoughts of the idea, how it could be improved or if it should be implemented at all?

The only problem I can see with this is the zombies walk in towns and such, they'd have to make it so that the patrolling they do doesn't count towards the chasing distance, otherwise towns would just be filled with crippled zombies.

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Yeap I agree! :D It's really hard to lose them when you're out of town and when you go back into town to lose them you just end up with more on your tail.

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Hey, I know! How about once their legs deteriorate and fall off, they morph into giant chicken legs and then we can eat them to replenish our lost blood? Instead of having to hunt for food we can just get zombies to chase us for awhile and then eat their missing legs.

Maybe a random chance for the leg to turn into a rare military weapon (with ammo) would be cool as well.

(sorry its late and I couldnt help myself, since you asked I think this is a really terrible idea, learn how to survive better ;)

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Hey' date=' I know! How about once their legs deteriorate and fall off, they morph into giant chicken legs and then we can eat them to replenish our lost blood? Instead of having to hunt for food we can just get zombies to chase us for awhile and then eat their missing legs.

Maybe a random chance for the leg to turn into a rare military weapon (with ammo) would be cool as well.

(sorry its late and I couldnt help myself, since you asked I think this is a really terrible idea, learn how to survive better ;)


Thanks for the response, but I feel your vague attempts at being funny indicate you may not have actually understood the idea entirely.

I was talking about their legs wouldn't magically fall off, but they eventually start to slow down essentially. Frankly I see nothing wrong with this as it actually makes it so you can get away, instead of running back into a town filled with zombies to get more of them on you.

You might not see the purpose of this now, but once you die, lose your weapons and eventually start sneaking in towns and have a very minor slip-up with one zombie, you'll realise there is no way to get rid of them other than hiding in buildings, you can't lose them in the wild because of constant flat surfaces and the fact that half of them seem to be professional sprinters.

I'm all for the hardcore gameplay style, I endorse it greatly. But it's supposed to be unforgiving in the sense that your skill can help you in any situation you happen to be put in, unfortunately you skill means shit all when you're in the middle of a field with zombies that just don't leave you alone.

...but your certainly entitled to you're opinion.

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I proposed the same suggestion. However I feel they should not crawl, but rather stop chasing you after a while.

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I proposed the same suggestion. However I feel they should not crawl' date=' but rather stop chasing you after a while.


Yes this is basically the core of what I was getting down too.

I just feel it'd be a bit odd if they stopped in the middle of nowhere, if they slowed down however you'd be able to outrun them and they'd still be moving.

I thought an explanation as to how their legs would stop working is they're rotting flesh, frail bones etc.

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Simple solution - run out of town' date=' then shoot them. If you're out of town you won't gain more aggro


Why do I have to retype things just because you're too damn lazy to read the original post?

What about people that don't have guns or the people that are more cautious, don't want to risk bandits hearing them etc?

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Rocket has stated in multiple interviews that this is an infection and not dead people, so them rotting off when they chase you makes no sense with his "Zombies".

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Rocket has stated in multiple interviews that this is an infection and not dead people' date=' so them rotting off when they chase you makes no sense with his "Zombies".


Fair enough. This doesn't exclude the fact that something needs to be done about the issue.

Any suggestions?

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I lose them when it comes to running around a few trees. Zombies just need fixing with there lag/ teleporting around and there would be no problems.

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Run up steep hill' date=' run down again, zombies will stumble & sometimes die.


While you might be helping some people, we shouldn't need to use strange exploits to avoid the main threat of the game.

I lose them when it comes to running around a few trees. Zombies just need fixing with there lag/ teleporting around and there would be no problems.

Never works for me for some reason.

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it'd make it a lot easier to lose these inconvenient zombies.

You right. And this is why this wrong. I don't think anything related to zeds must be easy.

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Thanks for the response' date=' but I feel your vague attempts at being funny indicate you may not have actually understood the idea entirely.

I was talking about their legs wouldn't magically fall off, but they eventually start to slow down essentially. Frankly I see nothing wrong with this as it actually makes it so you can get away, instead of running back into a town filled with zombies to get more of them on you.

You might not see the purpose of this now, but once you die, lose your weapons and eventually start sneaking in towns and have a very minor slip-up with one zombie, you'll realise there is no way to get rid of them other than hiding in buildings, you can't lose them in the wild because of constant flat surfaces and the fact that half of them seem to be professional sprinters.

I'm all for the hardcore gameplay style, I endorse it greatly. But it's supposed to be unforgiving in the sense that your skill can help you in any situation you happen to be put in, unfortunately you skill means shit all when you're in the middle of a field with zombies that just don't leave you alone.

...but your certainly entitled to you're opinion.


Well I certainly feel your pain, I really do.

But first of all, I was making fun of your post. Of course their legs should not fall off and turn into giant chicken legs, although that would definitely be cool to watch. I'd like to see that just once...and who doesn't like chicken? (well, lets not kid ourselves, it probably would not taste anything like chicken at all.)

I've been playing for 2 months now pretty much nonstop and I DO see the purpose of your idea. It's to water down a gameplay mechanic that is working just fine into a mechanic that is predictable and easy. THATS why I made fun of your post.

The thing is, you can get away from zombies just fine, RIGHT NOW, exactly the way it is. Hiding in buildings is only one of many ways you can drop zombies off your tail (and is arguably the worst of the possible ways at your disposal). You clearly need more practice at doing so but it is quite easy most of the time and, well, some of the time you get eaten (like I said, just fine). You should consider yourself lucky though, at least half of them are not professional sprinters and can only crawl or hop.

Getting rid of them in the wild was quite a challenge before but it could certainly be done. Now, it is quite easy (most of the time). Again, just as it should be. It sounds like you just need a bit more practice and understanding of escape tactics before you go shouting for drastic changes to the game. As for the wild, it is DEFINITELY not "mostly flat". Once you have been playing the game for awhile, you should really make an effort to venture away from the coastal spawns just once and you can see this for yourself.

Now, your last statement confuses me greatly. You don't seem at all for the hardcore "gameplaystyle" and in fact you seem to be all for watering down the "hardcore" gameplaystyle to fit your own gameplaystyle. Skill DOES help you in any situation that "you" happen to put yourself in. If "your" skill means shit all when you're in the middle of a field with zombies that just won't leave you alone, then clearly you need to keep working on your skills until you develop them to a point where you can manage zombie agro by collectively using ALL of the tools at your disposal (and there are actually quite a few of them, running being only the most obvious one).

But. You are certainly entitled to your own opinion...

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