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Where's the communication?

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My name is StealthyB and recently I have come to a realisation. Dayz is obviously one of the best mods I have ever seen and has definetly changed the way I look at Arma 2. But...

I have noticed a real lack of communication, in every server I join. I have no problems with not being able to talk but the issues it causes are not without notice. Basically every time I enter a town, I have to be a secretive and snitch like. It's like DayZ is no longer the game it used to be. It has recently turned into an all out Deathmatch. I have no issues with killing someone or being killed, but I liked to make an alliance here or there, or atleast communicate with someone. There isn't a community, simply a group of unbound individuals.

Do you think there has been a change in environment...?

And is it for better or for worse?

I think the environment has changed drastically. And not for better...

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Since the removal of side chat no one has spoken to me, everyone either shoots me on sight or runs away when they see I have a decent gun assuming that I am going to shoot them, I followed a guy for ten minutes yesterday talking on voice and typing at him but he just kept running away because I had a gun and he didnt.

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Yeah its true once the side chat was remove most of the player have been hostile alot and barely use the direct com, most of the time they shit themselves and try to bolt away

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Direct Communications are still functional. Use them to treat with people nearby.

At a distance, I recommend non-threatening body language, not "running up" to a survivor you haven't talked to yet, and attempting to use smoke grenades or cook fires to indicate your non-hostile intentions from a distance.

Also, there are many small groups, guilds and clans cropping up all around DayZ who would be more than happy to have you. Contact them here on the forums, or google for clan sites, teamspeak servers, etc.

Work hard to convince anyone you know in real life with a passing interest in either gaming or zombie fiction to join you. Any enthusiast in either of those hobbies should be more than happy to at least give it a try with you. Maybe you will even talk to someone you haven't in awhile.

Lastly, the game will not be a "deathmatch" unless you choose to play it that way. I have played hours a day every day for the last 32 days and I have totaled 1 death and ~5 murders (most of which were against people firing at me and missing, or trying to steal my stuff) in that time. Probably 60-80 hours in game, doing a variety of activities. Yes, I've been attacked (once successfully!), but what deathmatch game involves 1 death a month? Play safe, play smart. If you are smarter than your enemies, you can avoid confrontation or enter it on your own terms in which case you will have the upper hand.

Communication is a precious resource like ammo, food and water. Giving it away for free on side chat was boring. Now you work for it. You will make contact I promise. In DayZ and in real life too.

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The game is basically

Are they in your TS? No? Kill

Also, most of the fights that happen nowadays, well for me at least go something like Teamspeak Squad vs Teamspeak Squad and anyone else just gets slaughtered by 4 - 6 man groups.

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I'm currently kitted out with revolver and shotgun, seen a guy running up with axe didn't kill him and gave him some medical supplies for his trip to Balota. All this was done in the direct voice chat, wonder if he'd of shot me if the weapon was in his hand?

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I've spent the last day using aggressive friendliness and have met a total of 1 friendly player named DunknDonuts. In this case, I heard him before he heard me and typed out that I was talking on direct comm, had located him, and asked if he wanted to play some coop. He said he did and I took him for his word; the past few days I just trust everyone and don't care if I die. We had great fun (or at least I did). He was the ONLY one :( The rest just don't know what they're missing.

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Passed a guy earlier in Solni, we both had axes, communicated over local VOIP

"hey dude, im unarmed, just the axe"

"yeah hi, me too"

"ok cool"


that was it, side stepped round each other and went in opposite directions.

Different story if we had been carrying guns though I would think.

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The removal of the side channel was not necessary didn't detract from the immersion at all and only to serve those who have third party coms while others whom wish to meet people in game and actually meet up with players that aren't using coms are infact at a disadvantage the whole point is you could meet up with people who could be friend or foe which is where the paranoia comes in and the very immersion. To top it off some servers have turned the Direct chat off so now you can't even communicate with people near you which just turns into a shoot fest you need the ability to converse otherwise we may aswell play a single player game.

If Rocket is insistent that side chat is to be removed for good then enforce Direct chat on servers, if he hasn't done so already.

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Direct chat... use it. It really does work! Most people are happy to talk and not risk a conflict.

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Passed a guy earlier in Solni' date=' we both had axes, communicated over local VOIP

"hey dude, im unarmed, just the axe"

"yeah hi, me too"

"ok cool"


that was it, side stepped round each other and went in opposite directions.

Different story if we had been carrying guns though I would think.


i had a similar situation with a different experience ^^ i had an axe and the guy in the same building too. we saw each other and without words it was instantly clear the axe war was on. without hesitation we both went for each other. he chopped my legs with the first hit than missed his next three while i cut him down with 3 hits. crazy fight. had to respawn again....


i usually try to speak over ingame VOIP dc but until now i never got an answer... i think either ppl dont know how to chat or dont know how to switch channels.

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i usually try to speak over ingame VOIP dc but until now i never got an answer... i think either ppl dont know how to chat or dont know how to switch channels.

Or the fact the server has it turned off, so you're just typing or shouting down your mic at yourself.

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