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Dear combat loggers...

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I never have a problem with combat loggers, but if I lose sight of an enemy, I disengage and go on with my day, instead of going on a relentless crusade to kill, kill, KILL!


So, if someone logs on me, I never really know it. I just assume they've escaped. If I have someone "trapped" on a second floor, I slip away. Why the hell would I follow them up if they have a gun? As a "survival" scenario, that's just dumb.


So, basically, my point is that "combat-logging" as a problem is proportionate to your level of bloodthirst and aggression, which makes it hard for me to care or see it as a problem for the community as a whole.

The only issues I ever had with combat loggers was one incident where me and a buddy got ghosted by a guy who logged of on the floor under us and logged back on behind us, it was our first or second night playing dayz and we had no clue how he managed to get behind us while we had both ways up covered and another where a player shouted friendly, then shot me in the chest with a FNX, destroying my FNX then logged when I ducked in a building to get my shotgun out.


The timer fixes those issues, but seriously anyone who gets this upset about people combat logging on them and now this excited about being able to kill them during log out should take a long hard look at WHY it upsets/excites them so much.

Edited by Franchi

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Wow many ppl here so pumped and proud to be able to kill some CLUELESS kids lol. It must have taken all your brain capacity, calm dawn now, and insted of hunting some retard 12yo charwipe bug crybaby try to find more adeguate preys......

Clueless they may be. But if the ARE clueless, unaware of the anti combat log rule, and they alt F4 in the middle of combat, then that means they were attempting to combat log, thinking they would just disappear. I have ZERO sympathy for them at that point. I kill them without batting an eyelash for showing no respect to the game, the other players (me), and themselves by not sticking around and playing out the circumstances to its conclusion.


Its a different story if I see a guy, do not engage, and watch him as he hides in a bush and sits down. That guy was just done playing for the day. THAT I can respect. I have no desire to punish him for it.

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My character has been alive for almost 3 weeks...


Killed about 7 players.


6 of them were combat loggers.

1 of them was someone who shot me in the back, KOS style... Thought he killed me, but I was unconscious. I came to and he was standing about 2 feet from me, drew my .357 and put him down.


I swear, it's amazing how few people actually read the patch notes.

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I was new spawn in Electro on experimental build hardcore server, near the police station when someone took a shoot at me, i looked at the roofs and there i saw a guy with the SKS and cowboy hat on top of the hospital building, so i was determined to try my luck and KO that guy, but as soon as i get up the last stairs i see him just entering combat-log animation. Guess what happened next. :D

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The reason I posted this topic was an incident at the NW airfield yesterday.


I was alone, coming from the NW and was carefully scanning the area. After some 5 minutes I was pretty sure there were no players nearby. Doors were closed, some Zs around. So I entered one of the 2-storey buildings and checked to see if its safe. It was. Then, while searching the ground floor I suddenly heard the "reloading" sound from a newly-spawned player. Hu? I carefully took a look around the stairs and yup, there was a server hopper. Fully kitted out with pimped-out M4, helmet, all military stuff. While I had a Mosin without a scope. He actually spawned into the 2nd floor. He immediately opened fire but only did some light damage. I returned fire and maybe hit him but i'm not sure.


That was when he logged off and I killed him. Server hopper AND combat logger. It's people like this that ruin the game.

Edited by ParaB

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Having been mostly preoccupied with the survival aspect of the game (playing lowpop servers and enjoying my hiking simulator) I did not know about the combat log animation. I am now very glad its in. As for the guy above who was K/O'd but not finished. I have done that at least 5 times now. Someone shoots me, im out cold and wake up a few minutes later. Guys still there doing something like eating or mid animation. Poor guy watches me take my axe to his head... xD


I've seen people in the distance sit down but I have never paid attention long enough to see what happens after that. Makes so much more sense now.

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