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Cz 550 strange ballistics

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Since I know, any most of the games have some kind of a bullet drop.

Now most of the time u have to aim higher in order to hit lower from longer distance but how does the CZ work?

In that case let's say 300m, I have to aim to the chest in order to hit the head.

Makes no sense to me.

Can someone please explain how I aim with this weapon at what distances?

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You've answered youself. @ 300m you aim at the chest to hit the head. Sounds like you've got it figured out.

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Yeah, CZ has zeroing. Set the zeroing to what ever the distance your target is at, and put the crosshair exactly where you want it to go. Just have to know how far the target is. But if the target is 800m away and you set the zeroing to 800, it should be dead on.

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Suggestion: fire up the editor, place some targets on utes runway and practise till you get a feel for the weapon.

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Okay guys thanks a lot, didn't know there was zeroing.

Still I'm curious since when do bullets fly higher and not lower?

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If you fire a gun thats zeroed to 400m at a target 100m away it will go above where you aim, since it's destinated for a target further away.

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when you pick up a CZ, it is set to 300 meters...so if you shoot at something 100 meters away the bullet will go higher than where you are aiming...simple logic really.

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A ballistic trajectory is curved by definition.

If you zero at 400, the bullet will actually be higher than that at say, 200.

Think of a very flat rainbow starting at the gun and ending at the target.


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A bullet usually first goes up and then down. See this picture:


If a gun is zeroed in for 400 meters, and the target is exactly at 400 meters, then the bullet will fly in a curve, as seen in the above link, and hit the target dead on. If the gun is zeroed in for 400 meters and the target is at for example 200 meters, then the bullet may fly over the target if you don't aim low enough.

Note that zeroing in a gun causes the gun to physically aim higher or lower. If you zero in for a higher range, you are actually aiming the gun higher. So the parabolic trajectory of the bullet increases.

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Yeah, thanks alot guys. I never paid attention that the default zeroing is 300 each time, after I saw it, it all puzzled in my head.

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