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New DayZ Epoch Server [UCD] - TOW | SelfBB | AI | Custom Map/Custom Vehicles ( OVER 350+ ) - 20+ ADDON

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A few Admin's and I have recently started a DayZ Epoch Server running Epoch Chernarus, its brand new and running a fresh database.


All kinds of players are welcome here: Bandits, Survivors, Heroes, and all Clans/Groups are welcome!

If you stay with us and play for a while, you will quickly learn that this server is the right server for you...

With non abusive Admin's (meaning we only use our Admin tools when necessary and only for our players) and a whole lot of custom addons to comfort your DayZ addiction.


You start with a M9, 2xM9_MAG and a couple of bandages to keep your time on our server "hardcore" enough for you.


Bring your friends, bring your clan and most importantly, bring yourself!


We currently only have 32 slots as we do not know how our server will pan out but if the community is large enough "WE WILL INCREASE THE SERVER SIZE" and we

will keep increasing our server size until we run out of slots, and when that does happen we will be adding new servers to our arsenal to comfort your gaming needs.

If our server does get popular enough, we will create a private hive around our servers so you the player can keep your stuff while switching between servers.


Server Info:

DayZCommander search for UCD


IP: Port: 2302

Teamspeak IP:




How to join:

Download and install the following mods from DayZ Commander:

DayZ Mod

DayZ Epoch


Timezone: GMT +1

Slots: 32 players

3rd person view: ON

Tracers: OFF

Crosshairs: OFF

Death Messages: ON

Nameplates: OFF

Side chat is ON, but keep voice in side chat to a minimum

Server is protected with AntiHack/Gotcha Antihack and there are multiple admins online either in the server or on teamspeak.



There are several, mature Admin's protecting this server!


Unlike most other servers, they cannot spawn in items, and they cannot teleport you!

The Admin's are capable of teleport when needed and are able to refund certain players if they have lost their inventory or currency in a server related problem/hacker but

the player will need to prove what happened and tell the Admin what time this occurred before the server restarts.


If any Admin's have got some good gears, it's because they've earned, same goes for regular players. If a accusation occurs of any sort it will be investigated thoroughly and

the player who does happen to accuse any other player will not be named.




- Custom Items added (weapons, vehicle, items and buildings)

- Custom Mission & Supply Drops

- Custom Debug Monitor

- Self Bloodbag

- Safe Zones ( around traders ) With god mode

- AutoRefuel & Repair & Rearm

- 6 hour restarts

- Custom Antihack

- Active Admin's

- Sarge AI

- Custom Map ( we are adding new buildings to the server annually to keep the map interesting )

- Take Clothes

- Supply Crates

- Donor Packs ( look at website for details )

- Custom Gear

- Tame Animals

- Halo Jumping

- 400+ custom vehicles ( mainly up north )

- 24 hour day/night cycle


We will be adding more buildings and removing others ( if you don't like the building ).

As a server we want to include the community more so on our forum we will have a place for players to give their views and vote for addons to be added or removed.


Server Rules

English only in side chat!

We do not allow cheaters! This includes bug abuse, hacking or just other general cheating!

Combat-logging is not allowed, don't do it, because we don't!


If you have any tips or request, feel free to post them, here or on our forums.

http://underconstructiondayz.co.uk/ ( our site will become available on 19/02/2014 at 8:00pm GMT+1 )


You can also contact me at: kr0zer@underconstructiondayz.co.uk ( our emails will become available on 19/02/2014 at 8:00pm GMT+1 )


Stay tuned for more information!


Enjoy the server and remember to add this server to your favourites!







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