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Alex (DayZ)

Food and Water Improvement's

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So let's try and create an immersive world that makes a lot of sense to keep in line with the realism ArmA exposes the player too. We'll start with keeping your player fit and healthy;

Food & Water (Supplies)

Supplies at the moment are very easy to come by, perhaps too easy. Sometimes I can fill my inventory and backpack with 12-13 perishables and never really run out, I'm set for a week and in most cases its quite boring I never feel that I'm on the edge of survival.

What I suggest is we add more depth to the current level of crafting - I love survival games that let me craft without a skill based system.

Crafting; Cooking.

> Allow the introduction of specific ingredients that can be combined to create craftable foods.

> Some foods can be eaten raw, others have to be combined and cooked using a fire.

> Differently crafted foods restore different levels of hunger.

> Reduce the loot drop rate of perishables such as tinned pasta and beans, these maybe common but there must be other foods out there in peoples cupboards and stores too.


> Raw meat harvested from animals should eventually fully decompose after 12 hours of being left in your bag/inventory.

> Add new item - Salt. Salt can be added to meat to preserve it indefintely.

= Salt should be found in most stores and houses.

> Animals may have a chance of dropping diseased meat.

> Eating rotten or infected meat should increase thirst due to contracting potential diseases but does restore hunger.


> Waters from resevoirs, lakes and ponds should be more hydrating than water from the sea.

> Drinking water from the sea should increase hunger (due to induced vommiting)

> Canteen's should contain two rations of water, when your player drinks they should consume one ration (this is because you wouldn't consume your entire canteen)

= This should encourage people actively seeking water from the landscape to drink which should encourage conflict and co-operation.

> Jerry Cans should be able to hold water that can be used to refill canteens.

> Soda's such as Pepsi and Cokes should reduce thirst less than a fresh canteen of water

All I can think of now at the moment, may add more later. Love some feedback.

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Or, make it so instead of just having to use food when it flashes make you have penaltys over time like:

70% Food/water, run slower

50% Food/water lose blood more easily

25% Unable to sprint as fast (double tap W) + blood drops rapidly if hit

Blinking = blood loss + cannot run

just as an example.

Also, different types of food should cure different levels of hunger.

They should not all be as effective

Maybe beans gives 35% food back and meat gives 75, or spaghetti gives 45% etc..

Same for drinks. Soda could give 35%, water could give 50%, Mountian Dew could give 100% etc

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Or, make it so instead of just having to use food when it flashes make you have penaltys over time like:

70% Food/water, run slower

50% Food/water lose blood more easily

25% Unable to sprint as fast (double tap W) + blood drops rapidly if hit

Blinking = blood loss + cannot run

I like this a lot but perhaps to cut down on work for Rocket we might able to simplify this;

Hunger and Thirst decrease faster depending on if the character is;

> Sprinting

> Holding his breath

> Running

> Swimming

These would have a fixed penalty, your thirst and hunger decreases 2x faster when performing any of these actions.

Blinking = blood loss + cannot run

Blood loss already happens on this one however being disabled from running would mean you wouldn't even be able to find new supplies to top you up (if you're so desperate). If you're blinking it means your now in survival instinct mode and your doing whatever you can to live before your body gives out on you.

Also, different types of food should cure different levels of hunger.

They should not all be as effective

Maybe beans gives 35% food back and meat gives 75, or spaghetti gives 45% etc..

Same for drinks. Soda could give 35%, water could give 50%, Mountian Dew could give 100% etc

I'm tempted to make a table with current existing food and water with some of the ideas of my own and stick it up on here. I would say cans of soda would regenerate thirst by 20% and hunger by 5% (because of sugars). Water would regenerate thirst by 80% and be the best drink in the game.

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Having the food / thirst level affect you by percentage would suck. Let's say from 100% I drop to 60% hunger, why would that slow me down? It means I'd have to eat non-stop which makes supplies useless.

I can still run like hell if I have to and I'm hungry. Even flashing red hungry if you have to.

Hunger and Thirst decrease faster depending on if the character is;

> Sprinting

> Holding his breath

> Running

> Swimming

Sorry but no. I had to run at some point for over 15 minutes without finding anything. Sprinting in this game is a must. Not everyone can afford to walk for 60 minutes, first boredom, then second time wasted. There's a lot of wasteland that you cannot afford to walk it off, you gotta sprint.

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Having the food / thirst level affect you by percentage would suck. Let's say from 100% I drop to 60% hunger' date=' why would that slow me down? It means I'd have to eat non-stop which makes supplies useless.

I can still run like hell if I have to and I'm hungry. Even flashing red hungry if you have to.

Hunger and Thirst decrease faster depending on if the character is;

> Sprinting

> Holding his breath

> Running

> Swimming

Sorry but no. I had to run at some point for over 15 minutes without finding anything. Sprinting in this game is a must. Not everyone can afford to walk for 60 minutes, first boredom, then second time wasted. There's a lot of wasteland that you cannot afford to walk it off, you gotta sprint.

Not sure if you're aware but sprinting lasts a minor few seconds before you lose your breath and your sprint speed becomes near a regular run speed. So sprinting (I think you can only sprint for around 10-15 seconds even if your character is in the sprint animation) would increase hunger 3x as quickly while regular running should increase hunger 2x.

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One thing that is certainly needed is the ability to refill your canteen in any water source. Why not do this by gathering the object id's for each water source(for example:Ozerko dam is at grid reference 108068 and it's object ID is 336767). You then check the clients distance to that object id number and if within a specific distance an ASL position check is performed to determine if the client is on the same section of the terrain grade that the water line is on(for example: The water line of the pond at Ozerko dam is close to 197ASL. When they get to that ASL or lower while within the distance of the object number, you conduct your standard canteen check and empty/full stat check to determine if the refill action should be added,

Other examples are the small pond at grid reference 113077, it's object ID number is 338026. It's waterline is close to 47 ASL

Another shallow and marshy pond at grid reference 119077, object id number is 341780. Waterline is close to 5.2 ASL.

With these additional checks, you could add further features such as infectious water in certain areas.

2. ------------------------------------------------

Some melon models would be great with GUI images for gear dialog. The melons could spawned in gardens, harvest-able pumpkins spawned among the pumpkin gardens and each melon could work to restore a vitamin deficiency inflicted by exposure to the infected. Perhaps even add an exposure meter.


Add a fishing pole as obtainable gear and fish variant images for the gear GUI which allows players to catch fish near water sources. This of course induces its own random chance of catching and makes the watering holes that much more valuable. It also takes time and patience.

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